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Everything posted by bsatroop430

  1. Thanks again guys for the ideas, I seem to have figured out the problem. Our parents aren't showing any care for scouts it seems, they act like if it is a baby sitting service, which it is not. If the parents show that they care and be involved with certain things like committee meetings it will show the scout that this is actually important for him, so important that his parent(s) are taking time to help the troop. I just came back from a committee meeting that had 3 adults, 3! You can't have a committee meeting with just 3 adults. I care about this troop, I'm 18, yet I put in more effo
  2. Thanks guys, we do some outings every year, and the reason why is that they love them. Yet, this last year they haven't been going. But we have new outings that are fun yet they still don't want to go. My other theory was that it was a money problem, but our last outing was 10 dollars because the troop subsidized most of the outing to see if it would make a difference, and only 3 boys signed up out of the 20plus we have. I just turned 18 a few months back got my eagle and have seen the ins and outs of this troop. We are boy ran, believe me I've been SPL 3 times, but it seems like the boy
  3. Hi I'm new, my troop seems to not have good attendance on the outings and the parents aren't involved. The group of parents that go to committee meetings don't even have kids in the troop anymore. I was wondering what's the percentage of scouts that actually go on you troops outings?
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