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Everything posted by BSAMomWW

  1. No, arrest is a very recent one, one of several increasing recently, probably as a result of the gang involvement. And I have learned from my spouse that this boy's incidents in the Troop are not as innocent as I thought - altercations with other boys, destruction of property, discipline/attitude issues on most trips. But whenever I have seen him, he seems just like any other boy who acts up sometimes. Certainly not "scary" or threatening, just a little out of control sometimes with not listening or participating as respectfully as he could be. But I agree there is nothing we can say about
  2. I have discovered confidentially that a 15 year old Scout in my son's Troop has a criminal record such as dealing methamphetamines, among other offenses, and is a confirmed gang member by a local police department. While the boy has no terrible history in the Troop, he is known as somewhat of a trouble maker in terms of hyperactivity and not dealing respectfully with others, some issues of self control, has only just earned Scout and has been in for years. But my reports were that he has gotten a lot better. Our leaders have felt that this boy, with a somewhat troubled single mom as a paren
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