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Posts posted by Dubroq

  1. Something else to consider isn't just the incident itself, but the history of deceit that has obviously been happening with this scout for some time. He didn't find this bag of dope at the waterfront, he brought it with him. That means he purchased it from a drug dealer, probably someone in his school. This also tells us this isn't the first time he has smoked pot, he has a pot habit now. And he felt it was ok to bring it with him to scout camp and then saw no reason why he shouldn't share it with other scouts. This isn't a case of a scout making a simple error in judgement, this scout is making a lot of bad decisions in a row. I like to believe the second chances and lessons learned as a Scout happen all the way through a Scout's career and this is a tough lesson the scout needs to learn, breaking the rules and being on the wrong side of the law means you lose rights and privileges and pay the consequences. There is no way I would sign off on a SM Conference for Eagle, or any other rank for quite some time.

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