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Posts posted by ScoutMom2014

  1. as an MB counselor, Im baffled by how a SM can look at a blue card and deem a signed off requirement as lacking. what MB was it? also interesting that the MB counselor in the current troop didnt question it.


    regardless, I would take heart that the SM takes that level of interest in your boy attaining the skills of a given MB. Get your boy in touch with the current MB counselor and have them work it out.

    It was for communications. My son was the emcee of a COH for his previous troop; planned it and executed it. However, his current SM has questioned the validity of that particular requirement. My question is, though, there were 50-60 witnesses to the COH and all can attest to him being the emcee. This is what I don't understand.
  2. Still trying to polish your social skills on the new parents BD? Your rant reminds me of the old Saturday Night Live skits where Dan Aykrod yells "Jane you ignorant..hmmm". Well you know.


    Scoutmom, you are basing your questions under the misunderstanding that the main objective of the POS (leadership) experience is for advancement of rank. Evem many troop leaders have that misconception. Positions of Responsibility are intended to give scouts practice in real life situation of making decisions based from the Scout Law. While we parents by nature tend to look at the gratifications of stature for our children, that is not the primary mission of the Scouting Program. The program mission as stated by the BSA is:The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. POS or Leadership is one of the many methods of how the BSA accomplishes their mission.


    But you should also understand that POS experience isn't very useful unless it challenges a boy at his level of maturity and scouting experience. If the troop is running as designed, the Patrol Leader really should have a couple years experience in the troop to have the maturity and scouting experience for a quality leadership experience. I know there is a lot to learn about scouting and how it works, if you don't feel comfortable asking in this forum, there are several other Scout forums a little more understanding to new parents looking to learn. That being said, there are also a lot of good scouting direction here as well.



    Thanks for your kind comments. I've been around scouting for over a decade, and now that Eagle is coming closer, I just wanted to help my son not run into some nightmares that I've heard of others -- not making Eagle because they were missing a MB, or not enough time for a POR, that sort of thing. I realize that 2 years is a long time, but also it isn't. Time flies too fast these days. And I commend my son for juggling sports, youth group, scouting, etc. Sometimes plans have to change, i.e. he won't be able to work on his Eagle project when he wanted, but that's life.


    He's held the POR of Chaplain's Aide and Scribe of Communication so he's not a stranger to having jobs in the troop. I just didn't realize that all the jobs could possibly be taken and he'd have to wait for 4-6 months for a POR to open up.

  3. A good list. In our large troop we have 2 instructors and 2 ASPLs and 2 webmasters.


    In another troop I am familiar with it was common for scouts who wanted a POR and didn't get one to LOCATE HIS OWN Den Chief position, or special project, then get it approved by SPL and SM.

    That's a great idea! Does he have to have SM permission first to be a den chief?
  4. Scout positions of responsibility are not given out by Scoutmasters.
    In our Troop, after the Troop Elections, whatever positions are left are assigned by the SM to whomever wants them.


    I've found that some positions no one wants to do -- historian, librarian, etc. The SM has sent an email out stating that xyz position is still open if someone wants the job. I don't know why it's run that way, but it is. And now all the jobs are taken so he will have to wait until the summer.

    Don't apologize for me.....



    Scouting is a horrible shadow of what it once was......I am not even speaking of my time in scouting as the sun had already began to set on my time.........Fricken millennial Parents......Every body is special, deserves a title, a Trophy or a pat on the back for not crying because they didn't receive the Pink Elephant Petting Merit badge, even though he wasn't in attendance.


    Helicopter parents........Cub leaders who don't understand or won't understand the intent of the boy scout program


    Weak poorly trained Adult Leaders whether they gate keep or the ones that Participation equals completion bunch......Grow a spine, follow the guidelines for safety and advancement.


    Or the Other Adults that think Boy Scouting is a Family outdoor adventure club....




    So we have a mom here who is going to start meddling in the troop.......Just like she did in Tiger Cubs push her scout to the head of the line....


    My Troop has grown and I am very sure it was not a good thing.....I am dealing with a few moms and grandmothers now....whose scout joined our unit less than 2 months ago and think they should be SPL, PL or even God for that matter.


    So NO, I don't have any sympathy and a complete understanding of this MOM.......



    So Guys, just curious here, In her scouts Football team.....How far would a phone call to the coach go to make her son Team Captain?????


    NO WHERE.......


    Ya, I am grumpy this morning........After spending an hour receiving abuse from a mom not unlike this yesterday......Our conversation ended with "No, I will not appoint your scout to any position and NO I will not assign him a project, His SPL or PL will assign him the position. Furthermore YOU are not to speak to the SPL, your scout will need to ask him for an assignment and If I hear of you speaking to the SPL on your scouts behalf, your scout will be asked to leave our unit."



    If I deal with this mom again on this subject before the end of the week I think her scout will be asked to leave.

    You sound like a very angry person. I was only asking a simple question. My son is going to be 16 soon and has balanced sports/scouts for more than a decade (he started as a Tiger, yes).


    He wanted to work on his Eagle project on his off season so he can accomplish both. Now he will have to wait until he's almost 17 to board for Life and THEN start his Eagle project. I was afraid we might run into a time crunch since you never know what may happen. And you don't know me at all so insulting me isn't offensive. It just shows you to be a bitter person.

  6. On no another parent trying to make sure her boy gets a POR so he can make eagle by the time he is 12.



    SO OP what is your position in the troop??? OH you don't have one......then butt the heck out. Stop trying to work the system....


    Let your son enjoy his scouting experience, Let him grow into a leadership position.





    The SPL and PL's are elected the rest of the positions are appointed by the SPL and PL's. The SM shouldn't be doing it.

    Wow, that was rude. My son is almost 16 by the way. And I'm the troop secretary. Does that qualify me to ask a simple question?
  7. Hello all...thank you all for your helpful advice thus far. I have another question for the Scoutmasters: If you had a rather large troop (over 50 active boys) and you had just a handful of Star and Life scouts and the majority being new 1st Class Scouts, would you be more or less likely to give the limited positions of responsibility to the 1st class scouts? It would seem that the younger 1st class scouts would have much more time to have a position of responsibility than the Star/Life (who are already 16/17 years old) which require 6 months of responsibility.


    Edited to ask: if there are no available positions of responsibility in the TROOP, I was reading that it could be a leader assigned job for the UNIT. Can anyone explain the difference between the Troop and the Unit? Thanks!

  8. Yes, I realize we're not to "hover"...I really just wanted to know if the scoutmaster can veto a MB that was properly completed and signed off on by a counselor. And if not, how to go about rectifying it? My son still is only 15 years old and when the scoutmaster told him he would not accept the blue card, my son just accepted it and said "ok". I want to guide my son in the right direction by having him have another scoutmaster conference about this and to politely/respectfully tell the scoutmaster that he can't veto a properly signed blue card.


    Any ideas on what he could say?

  9. Good morning. My son has transferred from one troop to another. He had two requirements left for an eagle required merit badge. We properly found a merit badge counselor for said merit badge and he finished the requirements and the counselor signed off on it. However, when my son turned in the blue card, and during a scoutmaster conference, the scoutmaster said something to the effect that the previous troop's record was incorrect on one of the requirements. Since this particular scout master will NOT allow parents to talk to him about things concerning the boys and merit badges, ranks, etc., I'm having a hard time finding out exactly what was "incorrect".


    My understanding is that if a counselor has signed off on the merit badge, it's a done deal. Or is that not correct? And since I'm not allowed to talk to the scoutmaster at all about this, I'm not sure what to do here.


    Can anyone shed some light for me? Thank you.

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