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Everything posted by Wishfulmom

  1. Thanks for the replies. I've decided to continue through the summer but I am going to visit some other den meetings and pack meetings to see how they can be different. If it was just the dl I would stay and co lead but there are other things that bother me also. Let me know if this is how it should go. Our PL has been the leader for 24 yrs, It isn't a new group. DL is PL son. He's been a dl for 4 yrs. Can someone tell me how a bear den meeting should be like. What I had imagined was that there was a opening with the pledge and motto, (we did that for a few weeks in the beginning bu
  2. My son is in our local cub scout pack, he was a bear this year and would like to continue but the den leader we have doesn't really do anything with the boys, and doesn't seem interested at all. It is a very negative enviroment and my son is not having fun. There are two other packs near us that seem active and we would like to switch to one of those for next year. I know Sept. is usual enrollment time, do I just wait til then? It is May now, do other packs continue to do things through the summer? Thanks
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