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Posts posted by kjc

  1. Here is the situation I am in. Last year, we had a number of boys take camping MB at camp. The camp had several prerequisites for the MB. Since I am the only camping MB counselor for the troop, I was the person who prepared the letter that explained which prerequisites the boys had completed. I now have one boy coming to me saying he only has 2 requirements left because his blue card shows he completed all of the other requirements - including the prerequisites that he had not completed (ex: cooking a meal on a lightweight stove). He had emailed me about the MB. I replied to the email and copied his mother explaining that he still had some prerequisites to complete. In the meantime, he's chosen to ignore me and go to the Advancement Chair who says he's only got the 2 remaining requirements to complete. I am not going to sign off on the MB as complete until he's done the other prerequisites but I know this is going to cause trouble within in the troop.

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