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Posts posted by SeaSerenity

  1. I was thinking about camping in bear country, and then I thought about ladies hair care products. I know for a fact that I wear strawberry smelling body wash and bubblegum scented hair product when I am at home. I use camp soap strips when I am camping.


    Can that nice smelling hair product make a difference when camping in bear country? What about deodorant? Other hygiene products? (stuff made for women can be very fruity and flowery.)


  2. Hello from the great Lake State! I'm 18 year old female who just joined, (as a founding member), a newly formed sea scout ship. Currently, we're going to elect officers and it would be great to become the boatswain mate for administration. I have received the girl scout gold award, and looking for more challenges, starting with the bronzes award and the apprentice rank and hopefully ending with earning the silver award and the rank quartermaster. I've only got a few years left and I want to make the most of the time I have.


    I've been reading around the site awhile now, and I finally got on the bandwagon of posting. I am looking forward to the new ideas and information here!:)



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