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Posts posted by sdnamden

  1. In an older thread it is pointed out that, in cold weather, the air circulating under sleeping cots can be a problem. Anyone here have luck topping a cot with a mylar or "space" blanket, and then putting your sleeping bag on top of that? The idea is reflecting body heat back up. I'm curious whether this is a viable solution. Ground pads are too much for my aging self and my preference for side-sleeping. Thanks!

  2. In the case of a leader who joined as a Cub in Sept 1978 and moved to the Troop June 1982 (3y 9m), and then was a Scout from June 1982 to Mar 1989 (18th birthday, 6y 9m), how do we handle this? Is it 3y or 4y for Cub Scouting, and is it 6y or 7y for Boy Scouting? Thanks,

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