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Posts posted by mjm007

  1. I should not be surprised that the moral decline of our society is reflected in scouting. As our church's pastor says - going to church doesn't make you a christian anymore than going to the garage makes you a car. And I guess the same could be said of scouts.





    I am still stunned though that so many scouters here have chosen to ignore the very oath scouts recite at each meeting :






    On my honor,



    I will do my best,



    to do my duty,



    to GOD and my Country.



    to obey the Scout Law



    to help other people at alll times



    to keep myself physically strong



    mentally awake and MORALLY STRAIGHT.


  2. I should not be surprised that the moral decline of our society is reflected in scouting. As our church's pastor says - going to church doesn't make you a christian anymore than going to the garage makes you a car. And I guess the same could be said of scouts.


    I am still stunned though that so many scouters here have chosen to ignore the very oath scouts recite at each meeting :


    On my honor,

    I will do my best,

    to do my duty,

    to GOD and my Country.

    to obey the Scout Law

    to help other people at alll times

    to keep myself physically strong

    mentally awake and MORALLY STRAIGHT.


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