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Posts posted by boothill

  1. Hi, I'm new to the forum too. Sounds like your son is at the point where he is going to be crossing over. Try to pick the Troop that fits him best. I have seen plenty of boys drop out where the Troop was selected just because it was convenient. Other than that, it's a great program.



  2. Greetings, I am new to the forum and looking forward to communicating with you all and reading the forums. As it happens, I am an Asst. Scoutmaster in the Troop that both of my sons belong to in Chino, and my oldest was recently elected SPL. Our Troop has gotten into a bit of a rut car camping, and I am trying to get some different ideas for a campout program that is inclusive of the whole group (not just favoring the younger scouts). As a sidenote, I am also getting trained and recruiting other adults to get trained in the scout leader backpacking courses to try to keep some of the older boys interested.


    (I am really enjoying being a scout leader as I was never a scout as a child, but get a lot of enjoyment being involved with the program)



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