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Posts posted by woodsrunner1760

  1. Very well said Beavah!!! I couldn't of said it better myself. I wanted to play professional baseball as a lad growing up. Although I had some natural talent I didn't have a burning desire to work hard at it or the smarts to get me through college. Did I fail???? HECK NO!!! I still played baseball and was talked about but never pursued a career. Partly because I was shy then compared to now and reasons already listed. Not everyone is gonna be the best at everything they do. Just enjoy the ride!!!

  2. Seattle,


    Back in my day (Scouting Days) I could do ten easily. Today ZERO! BUT, I proved to the Scouts a couple of years ago that I could improve as well and in 90 days of busting my hump I did TWO. I am not the one earning rank. That is what people have to understand. Now, answer my question. When is BSA gonna make it clear what needs to happen hear instead of some of the Councils saying "it depends on how the SM interprets it"??? Kind of a "cop out" don't you reckon???

  3. "Cut them some slack",,,,,Seems as though that is what this is about. Are you gonna "cut them some slack" on the swimming requirement. Then when you have an accident that involves that Scout because you "cut them some slack" who is to blame. Then they need to do something else that they struggle at "cut them some slack". Life is full of "cut them some slack"! I have had two sons so far in the Boy Scout Program. Our Troop sticks by the "you have a year to complete the merit badge". My two sons both had to do Personal Fitness over because they couldn't improve in one of the events. One of them had to do Family Life over because he didn't complete the project he set out to do in that year. Which brings to mind: Personal Fitness, Personal Management, and other minimum 90 day Merit Badges. I have listened to an Area Eagle Coordinator talk and it is obvious that the kids don't do their weekly work out schedule, don't keep track of their money for 90 days, etc. etc. but someone "Cut them some slack". That is sad. How many true Eagle Scouts you really suppose are out there???? I know a Troop Scoutmaster that claims he is running an "Eagle Factory". I knew him to be from the city. I asked him where they went camping and how often. He said at the City Park. I asked him how they cooked. An assistant spoke up and said they ordered pizza and heat up canned goods on the camp stove. I laughed. He knew he had been caught "Cutting them some slack". That is sad.

  4. Concerned,


    I am seeing a pattern through this whole thread. I don't think the Scouts are really working on this EVERY DAY. Like I mentioned in my previous post. I see this all the time. Everyone wants something for nothing these days or wants to put VERY LITTLE into achieving BIG (Eagle Scout) THINGS! It is no different in Boy Scouts. Some parents don't want to hear any part of it when you try to tell them there kid needs to do this or that and if their kid is misbehaving,,,,,WELL!!!! SOME parents will have no part of that. Becoming an Eagle Scout is not supposed to be easy. Every time a Scout says the Scout Oath and Law, which should be at every meeting in my opinion, they are promising to keep themselves physically fit. It is sad but true, THIS IS NOT THE CASE all the time. It is hard to be a Scout even when you don't have your uniform on, but that is what it's all about. Being a Scout "when no one is watching". If they maintain that attitude they will climb mountains and be doing one armed pullups. Put some responsibility on the Scout and let's quit babying them. They should be being looked up to by people in your communities because they are SCOUTS. And those looking up to them will come in all ages.

  5. The dreaded pull up???? I am a Scoutmaster and I interpreted this requirement as improvement meaning if a Scout did 0 he needed to improve to 1 or if he did 1, he then needed to improve to two. I have Scouts who have been Boy Scout Rank for 3+ years because of this very requirement. I had some upset parents about this so I contacted our local Council Advancement Chairman and told him I wanted an answer because it is not stated very well in the Boy Scout Handbook. After two or three emails of him beating around the bush and basically not answering the question I told him if he couldn't answer it I wanted a contact at Nationals that would. He finally confirmed that if a Scout does 0 that he needs to improve to 1 to complete the requirement. I don't understand why this is a problem. Kids have become lazy! I have been Scoutmaster for 8 years now and it is amazing how much lazier they have become in just 8 years. Sorry to say it but kids are obese (and so am I). I have to lose weight every two years to go on the High Adventure Trips I put on. The first time it was 50 lbs. Not so much each time since then because I have chosen to watch my diet some. EXACTLY what some of these kids need to do. And then that goes back to the parents caring enough to see to it that the kids are eating healthy. It is sad when kids won't/can't complete a 10 mile hike. What about the boys afraid of water??? Do you just ignore that? What about the Personal Fitness Merit Badge (Eagle Required) and again more pushups, pullups, and situps. I have to laugh at those of you who scoff us leaders who stick to the rules. YOU ARE CHEATING THESE KIDS WHEN YOU SIGN STUFF OFF WITHOUT PROPER COMPLETION. BOTTOM LINE!!! There are a lot of kids who want to start on the High School Football team but are not much more than bench warmers their entire high school career getting in the game when it is basically over. The opportunity is there for them just the same as the others but they have to work hard to get there. I and two other leaders offered to go to the local gym three evenings a week and work with these Scouts to strengthen them. They all assured me they didn't need/want to because they were working on it at home. HOGWASH!! I know better. I see how lazy some of these kids are on campouts, weekends we cut wood for the Troop Supply, Scout Cabin Cleanup, etc. etc. Please don't be cheating these kids. Before I took over the Troop there were some strong good kids dropping out, I asked them to come back and they said no. I asked why. They told me because "Billy" and "Devin" didn't do their work on the badges (their mom's did) and they rode the Scoutmaster on different things until he caved in and give in. Who got hurt here???? I think I know. I'm not that kind of Scoutmaster. 95% of the time the parents are the problem. No encouraging at home to do stuff, complaining all the time, not wanting to help but "knowing best", etc. etc. Being a Scoutmaster is a pretty THANKLESS job most of the time. My Scouts know that the satisfaction I get is from seeing them truly do their best and KNOWING that they are where they are in their Scouting Career because THAT IS WHERE THEY DESERVE TO BE! BUT,,,,,You have to be consistent across the board or you are no better than the lazies and the complainers. There is way more to Boy Scouts than Advancement and too many parents are TOO BLIND to see this. Advancement is about 10% of Scouting. Quit feeding them kids junk food, kick them off the coach, take away the video games, boot them out the door and let them get some exercise. The results WILL amaze you. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to state my opinion. Thanks Again!!!

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