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Posts posted by woodfire

  1. This is a good notebook that doesn't tear up even when totally soaked in water, it still got its legibility. During our summer camp at PTC trek 24 last year's hiked from Cypher Mine to Mt Phillips then to Red Hill, one of the boys left it flow through at Cimarroncito river, amazingly pages didn't break up and is still in used until now. It's a good line up from our list of waterproof gears


    Here's their site http://nomadjournals.wordpress.com/

  2. Your son must have been more into geocaching activities. He could have used Nomad waterproof journal which really pays of as it doesn't break up even when totally soaked in water, it's still legible.


    In our case, we used that at PTC trek 24 last year's hiked from Cypher Mine to Mt Phillips then to Red Hill. One of the boys left it flow through at Cimarroncito river, funny that it did not break up and still in used until now. It adds up to our line of waterproof gears.


    You can check their site http://nomadjournals.wordpress.com/ for future events

  3. In one article of Groundspeak, it says that Geocaching has clear and appropriate requirements for hiding, maintaining and finding caches that support the scouting experience.

    Does it covers orientation in calculating the coordinate distances?


    I bet that one should be aware of some trigonometry for them to arrive at exact latitudinal and longitudinal distance of the caches. And there is still a necessity for compass.


    And the related logbook and notebook. Does it implicitly states any provision that will endure harsh weather?

  4. Yeh camping is great especially on a not so fine weather condition. We feel the adrenalin oozing from within our system. But acts of God which brings imminent demise of fellow citizens is a different story. AFAIK, most of the boys on outdoor camphike would wish that they're at home in times like this given the trainings and inspirations.



    Speaking of act of God, is there any community activity o' movement from the boys to help fill semi trailers with donated goods for the victims of the tornados that hit Joplin, Missouri?


  5. 'not sure if someone will post a reply to me on this thread. 'just would like to revive this one as Geocaching have become a latest craze not only from the Scouts themselves but to some extent adult high adventurous groups. The old maps and compass of the boys will somehow disappear with the advent of this handheld GPS which I think is having a viral spread among teens and adults. I tried to research on this and found a few good stuff at scoutstuff.org. What I like most are their waterproof items such as the Geomate GPS which has a user friendly set-up and a shock proof design, the green waterproof journal which I think is suitable in today's unpredictable weather condition and another is the waterproof matchbox. haven't check out the others 'just looked at the waterproof ones.


    I want to know any scouters insights on this.

  6. It's a bit odd that they will remove something from the uniform which has been there for decades or century. I hope that the integrity, values and goodwill built by our scout forefathers will still be carried by the new dress code.




  7. It's timely as BALOO course will be conducted by the Old Colony Council on May 7, 9am - 4:30pm at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 379 Gardner St, Hingham, MA. Required are 2 adult trained leaders, a class A uniform and your cub leader handbook or you can still proceed without that handbook (I think). It will cost you $15.00/person.

  8. Hi everyone! I'm Paul, one of the chosen students by the National Youth Organization to be a member of the 1983 BSP Philippine contingent to the 15th World Jamboree in Alberta, Canada during my 5th grade and many times served as camp staff and scout master in the Philippines from then on during my HighSchool days. However, starting 1997 I have been inactive from Scouting. Now, I have a son and a daughter whos also a member of the Girl Scouts in the Philippines before we left. I educated them about the values, stories and experiences I gained from those momentous scouting years from which they are excited to experience for themselves. It has come again to my senses what if I joined as an adult member of the BSA? And of course my kids will become BSA's. We are just new migrants here in Encinitas, California. Its been 14 long years and I cant describe how I miss those good old Scouting days. Perhaps here it would be a lot more different. I would like to be educated from you fellow scouters from this forum how is BS going on in the US. Glad to exchange and know ideas/knowledge from you guys.

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