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Ursa Major

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Posts posted by Ursa Major

  1. I just wanted to say hi and thank everyone here for providing such a great resource.


    My son has been in cub scouting for a couple of years and up to recently my involvement has been strictly as a parent. I'm preparing myself to serve as Asst. Cubmaster for his pack this year and have been lurking on this forum for a while to get a sense of what kinds of challenges lie ahead. This place has been a treasure trove of information.


    My son, who is starting his Bear year, has been saying for a while now that he is determined to be an Eagle Scout someday. His 3-year-old brother goes to many of the den and pack meetings and can't wait until he can be a Cub Scout himself. So, I expect that I might be involved in scouting (and reading these forums) for a long, long time to come!


    Again, hello to all and thanks for all the insights and opinions.

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