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Everything posted by UpAt6

  1. Thanks for your feedback. I used to live in the Northwest and believe me, if it was in the budget, my scouts would be experiencing the beauties of Mount Baker and Ranier just like I did when I was a scout. I recently took them on a 10 miler in the Uintas in the Trial lake area. We have a LONG ways to go before we hit a 50 miler +! Boys wearing tennis shoes and carrying canvas and flannel sleeping bags attached to 30 year old packs with bungee cords and a square knot, MRE's and no way to heat them...lots of blisters and bruised shoulders. I have heard a lot about the King's peak tra
  2. As scout leaders we all want to provide our scouts with the best experiences possible. I am currently trying to organize a high adventure 50 miler + for next year for my troop and need some idea's. I have never done this before and don't even know where to take the troop. I am sure that other's run in to the same experience, so, I thought I'd ask...What have been your most successful 50 mile + experiences? Please respond and include the following in the Title of your response so that others can more easily locate useful information: 1. State, Province, other location that the hike took pl
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