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Posts posted by Troop345

  1. I am an Assistant Scoutmaster and a Pack Committee Member. Our local Ham Club (JARC) has been involved with JOTA for several years. I am N3HUP and bring at least a HT to every campout. I have lugged the HF rig a couple times. The Scouts get more interested when I hook up the laptop and do digital modes like SSTV and DSSTV. They even enjoy PSK and other CHAT TYPE modes. Try hooking up a digital station and you will get alot of interest from scouts. Hope to see plenty of you on the air for JOTA. 73's de N3HUP

  2. These are great stories of even greater children. I have a 12 year old son that has been diagnosed with Tourettes syndrome, Obsessive compulsive disorder and bipolar disorder. Add to that he has Migrane headaches and is like me in passing Kidney Stones. He is very active in the troop. He is on track to get first class soon and is among the top performers in the troop. We make some accomodations but only as necessary. There are no rules about being easier or less stringent on him. He is doing welll and is very proud of his accomplishments. Scouting is a big part of his success in everyday life. I am proud of him and hope and pray he continues to get his eagle. His younger brother (9) looks up to him. Children with disabiilities can be among the best leaders in the world. Don't ever give up on them. Thanks for reading this.

  3. I need some help. I am looking for any information you may have on including children with disabilities in scouting. I am trying to create a training session for leaders to help increase the number of disabled scouts in our area. Information on BSA info or on personal experiences are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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