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  1. To all those Scouters who responded to my initial request for assistance, I want to thank each and every one of you for making the time to provide feedback which will no doubt help our Scouting organization. Rather than respond to each message, I only want to say that all of your comments have been forwarded to our Scout Leaders for review. Our Scout leaders were most impressed with the idea of top-down uniforming standards. Starting with the Scoutmasters, Assistant's, then Senior Scouts and so forth. Although they have a set of policies posted including one for Uniforming, no one thought to require Scouts or parents to read them. So another change being implemented is having all Scouts and their parents both read and sign a "Scout Membership Agreement" form which states that they have read each policy and agree to comply with Troop policies. We're asking both existing Scouts and new ones to sign this agreement. It's actually working well and has eliminated several other potential problems with Scouts by now understanding the rules. The Scout leaders wish to thank you again and ask you to continue with any additional advice which could help these young men. For those of you who were frustrated by my lack of response, since I posted the initial message, I have been hospitalized with multiple surgeries and now home to recover. I will respond again after we see more progress in the Troop and a bit more recovery on my part. Many thanks again.
  2. I am a Scout parent whose son has worn the proper Scout uniform for over five years. Over the past several months, most of the other 25 Scouts have chosen to wear whatever they want at Troop meetings and now Court of Honors. At our recent Court of Honor, over half had their shirts unbuttoned and out. If you or I had been in charge, we may have sent the boys home. I even suggested having the non-uniform Scouts sit with their parents on the other side of the room, and allow uniformed Scouts to sit together on the opposite side of the room. Their Scout pants have now become anything up to and including boxer shorts. As a Scout during the 1960's, we were proud to wear the uniform and wear it correctly. I am embarrassed to have my son in this Troop, and if he were not finishing his Eagle this summer, I would ask him to transfer. I understand the Troop Committee has discussed this issue with the Scoutmaster over and over. The Scoutmaster has spoken to the senior Scouts and they are also frustrated since they are getting nowhere with the Troop. The Scoutmaster has provided the Committee with a number of reasons including some Scouts cannot afford the uniform, some come after sporting events, and even some Scouts will quit if pushed into a uniform. He recently asked the Committee for ideas. For families with financial issues, a Troop "Uniform Exchange" or even eBay may be the solution. For pre-Troop events, Scouts can pack their uniform and change before the meeting. For Scouts who won't wear it, suggest they take up another hobby. If you have faced this issue in your Troop, and had positive results to change it, please forward your constructive suggestions so we may pass this on to our Scoutmaster. If you have criticism and jokes, please forward those on to others who might appreciate them. This Troop has existed for close to 85 years and needs your help.
  3. I'm not following your question. The individual we plan to give this new title to became an Eagle Scout in 1977, then from 1978 until 2006 became an adult leader holding positions including Committee member, Committee Chair, ASM, and finally Scoutmaster the past eight years. His business has interfered with his time requirements as Scoutmaster and has stepped aside. We identified a new Scoutmaster who can commit the time required for a Scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster will use these Emeriti as an Advisor only as he can only commit a few hours a month if that. We did not want to demotivate him with an ASM offering, nor could he commit the time for that role. As we will only have one Scoutmaster in charge, this individual will provide help when he can, not always when it's needed. I hope this better explains this position. We understand this role (or title) is not an official BSA one, but we're not recreating the BSA leadership positions or patches. Scouts and parents have been confused enough in the past when more than one leader had the Scoutmaster patch on his uniform. We now have clear roles & responsibilities for each Program and Committee position, but we still have only one Scoutmaster. Thanks for responding....
  4. We want to recognize and honor certain "retired" Scoutmasters who still want to contribute to the Troop when they can. This role would be an advisor to the Scoutmaster based on their long experience as a Scoutmaster. They would retain honorary privileges for outings, meetings, etc., but without direct responsibilities. The patch design we are looking for is similar to the current 3 inch Scoutmaster patch, but would have the word "EMERITUS" stitched in green thread at the bottom of the patch. The size and color would also match the current SCOUTMASTER patch lettering. Does any Troop have these already made that we could purchase a few? All the embroiderers we contacted will only process orders of 50+ patches at about $1-2 each. Or would any Troop be interested in sharing the cost? Thanks...
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