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Everything posted by BlackEagle603

  1. Update - The DE has decided (read shamed or coerced) to drive 180 miles one way next Wednesday to plead the Council's case with the Unit parents. As far as I can tell, this is the very first time a DE has darkened the door in this town. Also, did some more digging, found this jewel from the Council's web-site: ~ The Partnership for Scouting asks every unit to support the Council with $145 per youth member. This contribution may be realized through Friends of Scouting, popcorn sales, other unit fundraisers, or a combination of all three methods. The Partnership for Scouting recognizes
  2. A local Troop I am involved with has been getting a lot of pressure from the Council to donate to the Council, mostly because the Council is in deep debt. To the tune of millions of dollars. The Troop is a small unit, 4 - 8 boys, and frankly, doesn't have any funds to donate. The Council is demanding $50 per boy for FOS, as well as at least $1,000 minimum from the Troop as a whole. My question is, can the Council actually bill individual units because of their financial screw-ups? Also, not one professional Scout has bothered to drive the 3 hours one-way to come visit the Troop or Char
  3. Our Troop has decided to put on it's own summer camp, instead of attending a "regular" camp. 1. Has anyone else done the same thing & 2. any suggestions? Thanks!! Tim
  4. Let me clarify. Parent A comes to pick up Scout A. She gets into a tussel with boy C. Leader B catches the tail end of the wrestling match (was in good fun), physically removes parent A from boy C. Parent A leaves, then contacts police later with questions about whether that was legal or not. Leader B and husband (also a leader) gets extremely, demands that parent A and Scout A leave the troop or they will. Scout A had nothing to do with wrestling match. Parent A realizes that she over reacted, expressed apology to me and SM. Leader B and husband will not accept any apology. Leader B
  5. Here is a situation that just came up in our Troop. Any suggestions on how to address it would be great! When the Troop got back from an outing, a parent and one of our Leaders had a physical altercation, ie: the Leader pulled the parent off of another boy, they were wrestling. The parent got upset, picked up her Scout, who was not involved, and went home. She then contacted the police, who contacted the leader at home. Both the leader and her husband are leaders in our Troop. Now, the two leaders have told the SM that if the Scout (again, was not involved) comes back to a meeting, they w
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