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Posts posted by strance

  1. For most of my scout if they want to purchase a MB book they have to do it on-line. it is over 100 miles to the nearest scout store. We have a troop libary that has been passed down and several books are old. If the troop does not have the book most scout will not use the book for the MB. It would also reduce the amount of stuff our librarian would have to drag to meetings.

  2. Almost all of my Scouts own a Ipad, Ipod or some type of Kindle device. As a Troop now we do not buy Merit Badge books. If the troop could pay a $100 a year fee to access all of the books. By using some of the new tool in Myscouting you could give each registered scout in your unit access to them. This would also increase the money brought in to the BSA from unit that are not close to a service center.

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