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Posts posted by Sscouter

  1. Thank you for the advice. Now we have a few options to think about. First off I think we will put a call in to our DE. One very frustrating point about this issue is the fact that the person/people complaining belongs to a unit that had dogs (a series of three) with them, at the base, spanning 10 years or more. None of these dogs were kept on a leash and one of them used to terrify the scouts and parents, myself included! I'm afraid it just boils down to plolitics sometimes. Different rules for different units. Unfortunately, the more successful our unit becomes, the more people seem to want to impose restrictions on us. Has anyone else experienced this kind of situation (not neccessarily involving dogs)? Well, sorry for grumbling. Felt the need for a quick vent! I will let you know what happens. For now it looks like Duncan will need to stay home. The crew will be disapointed but they will deal with it, as will our Skipper. Maybe some of your suggestions will work and we will get our pup back. Thanks!

  2. Hi, everyone. I am an assistant Sea Scout Leader. Our Skipper (Scoutmaster) has a 7 month old puppy that she needs to bring to our weekly Saturday meetings (the meetings are from 9:00am - 5:00pm ). She works at home and the pup is not used to being left alone. The scouts love the dog and none of the parents seem to mind. However, a scout leader from another unit has complained. Our Sea Scout Base (marina) is shared with several other Sea Scout Ships. We have been told that it is against the BSA policies to have the puppy there. This dog is mild mannered, potty trained and on a leash whenever he is out & about on the docks. Most of the time he is in our boathouse and not around the other leaders or their scouts. Furthermore, our Sea Scout base is not actually owned by The BSA, it is leased to us by our local city goverment. Seems to me if we follow our city code regarding domestic animals, we should be fine. Does anyone know the specific BSA poicy regarding pets at meetings? It would be terrible if our Skipper needed to reduce her volunteerism becuase one or two people were not willing to compromise in this situation. Thank you for any advice in this matter.

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