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Posts posted by SM12505

  1. E,

    If your description of your summer camp kitchen operation it true, they are at a minimum of violating mandatory national camp standards! I would highly recommend that something be done about this. For anyone who knows Mr. Fullman speech about camp standards: they represent the bare minimum of what is expected at a camp. As you may or not be aware, camp must meet all mandatory standers; something must be done either inter-council or through the NE Region.

    If you have access, some standards to look at (from 2008 standard book):







  2. Greetings,

    One camp that I would highly recommend is that of Workcoeman Scout Reservation. It is a very good camp on the east cost of the United States, and is about an hour drive from Bradley international Airport. This is a high quality camp that understands the basic needs of units and tailors a quality and individual program that helps units grow and have fun with a purpose. I have been to this camp many times as our unit has been to this camp for a number of years. Workcoeman really delivers what a Boy Scout camp should offer and does it almost flawlessly. This camp is well known and holds a high reputation in the reputation and the east cost for its program and excellent staff. I highly recommend this camp, feel that this camp would be a great camp for you to come to, I encourage you to check out their website at www.campworkcoeman.org or feel free to private message me with any questions that you might have. Good luck and happy hunting.



  3. To Clarify,


    Thanks to Kudu. The term polar bear swim can be misleading, I apologize the term that I was referring to was a swimming activity taking part at summer camp early in the morning (around 6:00 am) with the water tem well above 65 so their not an immediate worry of hypothermia. But thanks for the info anyway.



  4. To respond again,


    1.) I have served on a camp staff for five years, two of them being on the waterfront; while I agree with Eamonn that the camp staff is there to serve campers. It does not allow them the right for their opinions to not count, while they are not screaming it at the top of their lungs that "we hate polar bear". But, if you look hard enough it is not one of the most favored activates. (personally I really did not like it, especially during week 8 of 8)


    2.) What I was getting at was not the safety part (I would hope that all camp waterfronts follow SA and SSD to adhere to national camp standards. Thanks for the comments though) but rather just the personal popularity of the program.


  5. I have heard that Polar Bear (very early morning) swim is not an approved BSA activity, Is their any truth behind this? Also I know that SMs like the swim in the morning But, the Staff and the campers hate it. Any opinions on it?

  6. A big thank you to CalicoPenn for his elaborate explanation, it was a big help!


    To clarify about the unauthorized person, while a scout/scouter/visitor has failed to check into the camp office does pose a problem and needs to bee addressed as quickly as possible, they do have good intentions. What I was referring to was a full blown person who 100% does not belong in camp. (i.e. Press poking around for a smear story, people just exploring the camp, or even worse a sex offender.)


  7. I am absolutely outraged that an adult leader would have the audacity to do something like that; I would forget the committee meeting and so strait to your councils scout executive right away. Not only does it violate YPG (youth protection guidelines) that all adults are required to follow but he also, I am sure he brook many criminal laws. This adult leader has no right to bee in the BSA and you need to take immediate actions right away! So this can not happen again.



  8. Hello Paul,


    Good Question. When it comes to money in the BSA, it really comes down to how well you manage it. With most camps, at the begging of each summer camp season the camp director will basically set up two budgets; one per a week and one per a season. After the camp fee is set and gets a rough idea of how many scouts will be in camp he/she will set a magic number of scouts (again one per a week and one per a season) and will budget accordingly to camper, staff pay, food ect. Anything that goes below that number will cost the camp money, if the number is equal the camp breaks even and anything past that number is profit to the camp unless there is a huge flux of camper per a week. As to your second question, most camps set aside a small fund from their profits from the summer to pay for off-season activates i.e. water, power and a ranger. But usually the camp will charge a fee for a troop to use the facilities of the camp, usually around $20.00 for a campsite for a weekend and anywhere form $60.00-$120.00 for buildings depending on the luxuries for the building. So basically the troop it paying for use of the camp not the other way around, Also at the end of the season if there is still money left over on opening day of summer camp it usually gets transferred to the general camp funds. In a perfect world a camp would want to only break even but in fact most camps are looking for a profit so that they can continue operation for many years by continually update the camp, improve summer camp program, and an emergency fund for any that might happen that was overlooked or unseen. Hope this helps!




  9. Hello to all,


    Sorry to hear your trouble, it is really unfortunate to see a camp fall in to a depression like that. If I may be able to offer some advice (putting on my salesman cap) if you are looking for a new camp, I would like to highly recommend Camp Workcoeman, of the Connecticut Rivers Council. As I realize that it may be a trip for you to come down but it is really worth it, Workcoeman is one of thee best camp in the NE region being only rivaled by that of Yawgoog (but we are catching up quickly). I can personally assure that we have awesome summer camp program, and we have an excellent staff that will blow your hats off. I know that you would have some reservation about this camp but we have many troops coming from all over the country; including one of your neighboring councils Theodore Roosevelt council. I can assure you that this camp is worth it, If you would like more information about this wonderful camp please private message me or visit the councils website at: http://www.ctrivers.org/camps.asp?regionalID=21&campID=765 . Thank you!





  10. Hello again,


    Sorry to ask another question so soon but I am looking for more advice. At camp we are getting ready for a new season and are in the process of updating our entire emergency plan to streamline the effort, so that we get aid to those who need it quickly and safely. In our camp we currently have a policy where in the event of any emergency all of the scouts and scouters are immediately dispatched to their campsites and then the staff goes to work, but our greatest fear that the emergency will be in the campsite and may put campers or staff at risk; we do have a large field but is out of the way for most of the campsite and takes some time to get to (about 5to 7 minuets brisk walk for the farthest campsite). So what I am asking is that if some scouters could share their summer camps emergency plan (specifically Lost camper, Lost Swimmer and Unauthorized person)to better serve a fellow camp.





  11. Hello to all,


    I have a question(two actully)and I hope a few people can help me with, I am a camp commissioner (along with many of my duites at camp) come friday it is my job to complie and sort out the merit badges and various awards that each scout/scouter earns,the camp that I work is at is a high traffic camp and on some weeks I may need to process over 1,000 badges and awards, which in turn forces me to get about no sleep. So what I am looking for is a program that will allow me to have all of the campers on an electronic file and allow me to just plug in the badges and just print it off for the sm for the closing ceromonies. Another key feature that I am looking for something with easy record retrevial and storage, for any questions that a scoutmaster may have down the road. Now on to the second question I was wondering if anyone had the NCS Dates yet for the Northeast Region yet?



  12. I am a "retired" scout master and I have noticed that the scout master who took over after I left is very controlling, and will not let the SPL do his job like planning meeting and outings,also the SPL has spoken with me severl time about how fustrated he is and how by being SPL is not fun anymore and wants to resign or even worse quit! Any ideas to how the SPL or myself can correct this problem?

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