I agree on promoting the religious emblems. The sticky part about that is it that I have to do it outside of any den meeting. The CM's son is one of the Webelos, is always at the mega-den meetings, but only participates with the rest of the Webelos about half the time. They are preventing meetings, threating to remove me as den leader if I don't stay with their mega-den meeting program. At this point in time I'm afraid that the out-of-control committee is indeed preventing me from running the den in typical cub scout fashion. I taught Wolves last year. They all received their religious emblems awards, over half received the U.S. Heritage award, and all of them finished at least their citizenship BL.
The COR and please forgive me if this gets confusing, it's confusing here sometimes. Their is a real COR (COR-A) and another one claiming to be the COR (COR-B), and I'm not sure if I understand all of it yet. But here goes. COR-B left CO and was replaced by COR-A. COR-B went and called parishners in the church to undermine COR-A. COR-B has since left the church. COR-A only contact with the pack was to sign the charter and donate money. Even with making inquiries to the pack, COR-A did not know what her rights and responsibilities were and had no idea of the problems.
Then there are also 2 non-active committee members. #1 member I'm not sure why she is not involved, #2 committee member has been incapacitated for a year now due to health problems. That leaves one committee member who is actually the committee chairman, she just happens to be friends with the CM and they are the one's making up their own rules, alongwith COR-B.
Are you as confused as I am yet??