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Posts posted by rmienke

  1. Well, I come from a large Troop (6 Patrols). We currently have around 60 "active" Scouts, and we are getting about 15 "Ex--Webelos ll" who just crossed over into our troop. I am one of two ASPL's we have for our troop. I've been with the troop for 6 years.


    During this time our Adult Leaders have constantly done the same thing. Every patrol in our troop has a and the Adult Leaders have their own .


    So, the adults do eat their own meals when we cook as patrols. However, at places like summer camp when we cook for the troop, everyone eats the same thing, together.


    The adult leaders make cobbler on certain campouts and on others, a patrol volunteers to do it. So, you could say while the adult leaders fix their own meals and eat by themselves under their dining fly, they set an example for the rest.


    When we get to a campout with the new scouts, they have already chosen which patrol they want to join, and the older scouts in the patrol get them involved through example how to do the cooking and clean up. Usually one older scout to one newer scout.


    Richard W. Mienke

    Life Scout

    ASPL Troop 140, Hudson, WI



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