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About rjoy

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    Junior Member

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  • Location
    Los Altos Hills, CA
  1. I agree. I would prefer the old method also, but alas I have inherited the "new" way and I am forced to have to work from within. My aim is to have the boys back into the real patrols by the time they pass Second Class (the end of their first summer).
  2. Boys join Scouting for the out of door experience also in the hopes of becoming Eagle but not all join Scouting to become Eagle. The experience I want to endow my first years is fun and learning about Scouting Get thru Tenderfoot and then work on Second Class and finally First Class but I see that process taking 18 months that way I can incorporate more outdoors experiences.
  3. If you wait until the third year before go backpacking my fear is you would lose alot of scouts. When my son was in Cubs he had already been on 3 backpack trips in the Sierras, the duration of these trips were 3 to 5 days and ranged from 3 to 7 miles in, and they ate it up. Granted at the age of Cub Scouts they did not carry much but they did great and these outing secured their interest in Scouting. The trips also bonded the parents more and made them more involved. The first year programs do not lend themselves the time to interject any such outings of that nature as they really do not
  4. I disagree, as from watching the Guides teach it would seem everyone in the troop could use the relearning of the basics as most of them have forgotten most of what they learned in their first year and are unable to teach without relearning everything again. I know sad but true and thus the mentoring of the older scouts within the patrol venue help everyone.
  5. All of what you have said works for me, but in our situation the First Years are totally isolated from the troop. The only exception was Summer Camp where they were all together and that is when I saw them come together and work as a whole group and it was great. The way we have it now is that the First Years are with the troop for the opening ceremony and announcements and then we leave only to return for the closing ceremony. Now let me add that we have a very large troop and that our First Years number 24 which is broken up into 3 patrols. Yes, we have guides and they sent about 3 guides
  6. I guess it is the separation of the boys that bothers me the most. I understand the rational but to isolate them away from the main troop for the first year does them a disservice. I am trying to have them intergrated back into the troop after they finish 2nd Class. I feel that the boys have no model on how to be a boy scout or how leadership is done. There is also no mentoring by older scouts, (that I see at summer camp)other than the guides. Which our program is weak, but in the process of being revamped. Right now the troop meets EVERY week so in reality there are no patrol meetings an
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