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Rising Smoke

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About Rising Smoke

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    Junior Member
  1. Ferocerium devices are interesting, however they relate to instant flame fire making. Instant flame technology has been with us for a couple of centuries now since the invention of the match around 1800. What I teach is a bit more basic. Coal to flame methods used sucessfully for millenium prior of 1800, such as taking a mullein stalk and a split branch and making a coal in about 20 seconds. Also the fire piston. A wooden device that creates a coal by the heat of compression. Its nearly effortless and really quite amazing. http://www.boyscouttrail.com/links/scoutingproducts.html
  2. Well, it appears there is interest here at least and that is encouraging. I sent a note to BSA several weeks ago asking why the fire by friction sets had been discontinued. I received response saying that suitable materials had become unavailable. ( Must have come from the Chicago area ..:)I know that both bow drill and hand drill sets can be had and there is no shortage of materials. In addition to teaching a useful skill, success in making fire by friction brings a young person a certain sense of accomplishment. I wonder how we get the powers that be to re-instate the kits...
  3. I have been out of Scouting for many years and I am interested in better understanding the current thinking related to primitive or survival skills. Recently I have performed Scout Leader training seminars designed to train the trainers on things like cordage making, basic flint knapping and the making of fire without the use of modern tools. Participants are stunned to learn they can go the woods, prepared with nothing but their knowledge and make fire in a few minutes. Many years ago BSA offered fire by friction kits. Is there still an interest in such forgotten skills?
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