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Posts posted by redmatt

  1. Don't feel bad, Marietta. I had the same question and judging by the fact that there have been more than 1700 views of this thread, I don't feel that your thread "makes no sense at all" as one of the other people stated. I'm happy others were able to offer you and me an answer. In our area only the Cub Scouts wear the red vests. Our family is new to Scouting so we had no other frame of reference. Thanks for asking the question, and thanks to all those who took the time to answer in a helpful manner.

  2. Basement, I'm just passing along the question because it was asked of me. As I stated in my first post, this is all completely new to me. I will be sharing all suggestions, including the no gift suggestions, with my webelos leader. Sorry if I'm not well-versed in the lingo of the Scouts. I'm doing my best.

  3. I'm very new to scouting (2nd year) and was never involved in scouting as a child so I'm learning things on the fly. I'm the advancement chair for our pack. We just had our crossover picnic and the Webelos 1 den leader asked me if there was anything we could give the boys that are crossing over to Webelos 2 since they don't get a new neckerchief, book or slide. He asked me this 2 days before the crossover ceremony so there wasn't much time to get them anything. At any rate, I'm thinking ahead to next year and wondering if anyone has any ideas for *something* to give these boys to recognize their hard work in addition to their Webelos badge. I'm thinking if someone has a handmade gift idea, I'll have time to start on it now. We only have 2 boys right now that have just crossed over into W2 so I shouldn't be a hardship. TIA for any advice!

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