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Everything posted by Ray5

  1. You can find one in my web page. Here are my web address. hornerm.tripod.com look at bottom of screen and select "CPS Trading" It list all District old and new number. Let me know if this what you looking for. Good Luck
  2. Our Council plan a calendar for 18 months, not just 12 months, so that District can plan accordingly (12 months). I have know that our Council have know most of the activity which are not related to Scout activity. 'Scouting for Food' held the same weekend on Merit Badge Camporee in District area. Merit Badge Camporee spodser by state wide church. Our Troop have take most of the camping many differ area. We don't go much with Council activity except Summer Camp. Council set their own rules and do not pay attend with other non-council activity. Most of the Council boys activity held about four time a year. This all take place about sametime with other non-council activity. Our District set up good schedule of calander for meeting, activity, trip, etc. These District calander are set up by the local district committee work with Cub & Troop leader. Our district have the most boys per unit population. Also our district Order of the Arrow is the largest size of any district. All there activity are the result of Troop leader and District comminttee. Not much at all from Council. I remember back about 1989, our Cub Scout leaders set up the Cub Overnight Weekend at my father farm. This is non-council and non-district activity. We just call most of other local cubmaster and 80% agree to come. This was plan for 6 month. When the day came, the attent was over 300 cub boys with parents. We only charge $1.00 per family per weekend. This money goes to the cost of 'john house'. Ladies need this. Boys, all the little cubs have a ball. Later, I have heard our camping was the largest attend than any other cub activity in years. Remember, council and district have no overnight activity at all cub scout. Just day camp. Few year later, Cubmaster from all district complant to Council and District for not have Cub overnight weekend. They both turn down. Shortly, one of the Cubmaster who is the lawyer have notify the Headquater in Texas about having files sue against the council and district. This lawyer have information and had prove from other council and district. The National have workout with our council. We now have Cub weeknight campout at the Council Camp. We Cub leader and Troop leader have better reason than the Council job. Who run the Scout? Adult or Boy The correct answer is Boy. Adult listen from Boy Adult setup plan Adult work with Boy from plan. Boy have fun from their own plan. Council can not hear from Boy (real council do not listen from kid. They get word from hardhead scoutleader.) Council setup unknow plan Council work with District from unknow plan District put plan to work Boy work from plan Boy have no fun of their own.
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