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Posts posted by Beba123

  1. Thank you all for your wonderful ideas. We are going to do the stake in the ground with the PVC pipe over it and then hang the target from that.


    What a wonderful website this is! Everyone is so helpful. Thanks again. I'll post again around the end of July and let you know how it went.


    Yours in scouting,


  2. By spinning, I do mean spin when you hit it. With rubber-tipped arrows, it can be difficult to tell when you hit something. We use varying sizes to determine what is a bulls-eye, etc. We need to be a bit creative. Since we cannot use steel-tipped arrows, we cannot use traditional targets. Thanks for the input.

  3. Next month is our Cub Scout Day Camp. I am the shooting sports instructor (certified). In NJ, we must use rubber-tipped arrows rather than steel tips. In the past, I have used pizza boxes and other items that make a sound and move when hit. I am looking for plans to make a spinning target for this year's range. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can do this? We plan to decorate medieval shields (keeping with the camp theme), I'm just not quite sure of the mechanics of making it spin.



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