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Posts posted by Philzer

  1. I dont see how with this course being so extensive can be offered and completed in one day via a merit badge day regardless of the scouts coming in with certain requirments done. It would take me at least 2-3 saturday sessions at 4 hours each session, to feel confident in offering this course from what Im gathering via researching and experience. This is a tough one because anything more then a 4 hours and I know I'll lose the attn span of today's scouts. Anything less and are we really doing them a service in helping them earn this badge??? Meaning them understand the basics of cooking as with the skills and knowledge? As a MB counselor for this course, we not only have to go over the basics of cooking but also lol be a a nutrionist knowing the food groups, and a dietician knowning how to effectively read lables and calorie count and consumption. This course shouldn't be offered as a saturday session from the way Im viewing it. If anything summer camp and several sat sessions. Thoughts?

  2. Hello fellow scouters,


    I am the new Cooking MB counselor for my son's unit. After reviewing the worksheet, I am a little challenged on the worksheet and hoping for others input and advice.


    • Is it me or does question #1A and 1B seem to be redundant questions?
    • For a scout to respond to some of the answers on the worksheet there is no reference point to have them began the answer. Meaning usually you can find most answers in the MB books as they progressively read through the book. In this worksheet it looks like the answers can be randomly all over the book? Not necessarily answers to 1 in the beginning and so on. Would appreciate everyones thoughts and input.

    Thanks everyone,



    Phil Aguilera 

  3. Kudos Desertrat77, I feel you hit it out of the park... :) we are a volunteer organization and heck it's hard enough to have boys show up just for the meetings with them also active in sports, extreme sports or girls etc...

    Thank you for sharing...

  4. I feel you on this one jamist, I use to take it personal as well when losing scouts. Like most on here, that have spoken from experience, it isn't the scout's lake of interest the majority of the the time. Its the parents lack of it, some have issues as stated that prevent them from attending, others just don't want to invest the time to the program for their child. I use to get excited with the recruitement of new scouts but as the years pass not as much. We get 15 new kids on recruitment night, maybe 10 will join but by years end lucky if 2-3 stay. Like most who try to compete with sports, I learn to just let the child and the parents know we'll be here once their season is over. Some return others don't, it's hard not to take it personal, cause it is only human nature. Just keep plugging along is the best thing I can suggest. Good luck....

  5. Eliza,

    I been down your road as well. It is real easy for some of these experience leaders to sit with their computer and give their .02, which is a shame cause what u asked for was assistance in advice to BUY a sled not building one. Right away they judge your unit and how they should have done this or done that. For not accepting face value of your situation is really disappointing, how do they know your unit isn't one of just single mothers or parents that don't have mehcanical skills? What is easy for one isn't always easy for others.

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