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Posts posted by Pack391

  1. Pack 391 wishes everyone in the SHAC council the best of luck and may all of you stay safe. We are all thinking about you. We have already begun coordinating relief efforts here and will be delivering supplies to that area next week..We did a relief run to Houston for Katrina and will be returning for Rita relief..

  2. Just bring it here right into the center of the country. Oklahoma City or even Dallas would be a great location because of the wide open space of Oklahoma, it's centralized location in regards to Dallas, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Albuquerque, etc..The national scout headquarters and museum is only 2 1/2 to 3 hours away in Dallas. If it was held in the Dallas area, the national center and museum would be right there along with the numerous attractions that the Dallas/Fort Worth area have to offer..

  3. Hi..I'm Brian. I am with Pack 391 located in Yukon, Oklahoma. I am looking for anyone who might be able to put me in touch with or make contact with someone who is attending jamboree. I am looking for a patch that will probably be available during the 10 day program. It is a new patch put out, I believe, by NASA. It is black with stars, has an eagle, the Moon, Mars, the BSA national logo, and the NASA logo. The patch has the words, Explore, Discover, Understand and 2005 National Jamboree. I will be happy to pay for one of these patches if one can be obtained for me. My kids are scouts but not old enough to attend jamboree as of yet. If anyone can help, it would be appreciated. Thanks!!!

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