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Posts posted by OhioCubmaster2011

  1. Yes, all of our boys sold popcorn but the majority of them sell on average $100 or less so thats about a $30 earning per each of these boys. All of the steps I am taking were the reccomendations from who I spoke to at our council. I have told him he could make payments. He just doesnt seem to be making an effort to correct the situation. I'd like to say that it was just a mistake and that he'll pay when he can but its hard to when in the last month he's been buying cars, ect. And ,yes, he has been told that the matter would go to the police.


    All of the parents have been very good about buying stuff when their boy needs it. I try to keep all of our activities at a very low cost or no cost so that all can paticipate.

  2. Ok so during our popcorn sales I require all popcorn orders to be payed up front. This year I had a parent give me a check for $482. It turned out to be a bad check. It was a month before we knew the check was bad (the bank still sending correspondance to the wrong address). Anyway I found out, pulled the parent aside and told him. Kept getting excuses.. " I forgot to bring the money.." " My g/f's in the hospital and has the checkbook.." ect. So sent him a certified letter. Finally last week .. He calls and against my better judgement I say ok I'll take another check but this time instead of depositing it in the scouts account I take it to the bank its written on. Bad check again! New excuses. So tomorrow it goes to the prosecuting attornies office.


    Now to why I need suggestions. During this whole time .. he has still been attending meetings. I have explained to him his son will recieve no awards, advancements, participation in our derby, recharted, ect. until this is payed. My problem comes in with how to tell this 7 yr old child he cant participate as his father seems to not understand. How would you handle this situation?


    What makes the situation bad is what money we have left is just going to cover our recharter fees so with out this $482 we have no money left for the things the other boys are earning. I figured I'll pay for the awards for the derby and they can reimburse me at a later time when they have another fundraiser and can afford to.


    This is my second yr in cub scouting so this hasnt happened before .. even the years I was a gs leader I never had a returned check although I did have issues with cookie money not being turned in(but I would eventually get it) which is why I require the popcorn money up front. I just find it sad that someone would do this to a group of young kids.



  3. While everyone here has some good points.. And maybe its the Mom in me but while my pack is required to have boy involvement in building their cars (sanding, painting, decorating) I much prefer the adults to do all of the cutting for safety issues. And as much as I dislike the idea of the "pre-cut" car bodies (I still require them to go buy the tires and axles from BSA) you can purchase at places like Hobby Lobby I do not disallow them for the simple fact that many of our boys do not have a parent or the equipment to cut the car out for them. Yes the car might be pre-cut but the boy still gas to sand, paint, decorate, make sure it meets all weight,height requirements, ect.


    We had some issues at our Blue and Gold/Pinewood Derby last yr (parents arguing among themselves) and as I stressed at the parent meeting the following week to address those issues.. It was not about the parents or what the parents felt was fair or unfair.. I was there to make it a special night for the boys. That although I do not know every boys home life I do know that for many boys this was the one thing out of the year that was special to them as they may not get that special recognition at home like celebrating a birthday or other holidays that many of us try to make special days for our children. It is for them and about them. So what if one boy was 10 mins late for registration deadline. Its not like an 8 yr old can drive himself to the banquet hall.

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