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Everything posted by nexus

  1. Second Class, Yes I have been to weekend one and weekend 2 begins this friday. As for my vision, it is as it were to offer the scouts in my pack more oppertunities to learn what it means to be a scout. My ticket items flow along this line, LNT being a core value in outdoor activities in scouting. Faith being one of the tenants of scouting I feel it important to offer the scouts the oppertunity to explore thier faith. As for the website, there is no better way that I can think of to convey information, events and upcoming service oppertunities then a pack website that will allow the scouts acc
  2. Thank you all for the information!
  3. I'm trying to sort out details for my 5th ticket item. I have 4 solid ideas that should work well. As for the 5th it's a great concept but I have researched as far as I can and hit nothing but dead ends on how to accomplish it. There is nothing set up with in my pack for the boys to earn thier religious emblems and I was hoping to get that going as a ticket item. As much as I try I can not get a solid answer on the "How" I've heard the term Religious Emblems Coordinater but have never met one. I've researched how the boys can earn them, I know where to order the materials for the boys. I just
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