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Everything posted by muzikar

  1. Re: Religious Emblem. Thanks shemgren for clarification on the wearing of the Religious Emblem. My son earned two in Cub Scouts and as rare and highly regarded as they are, it confused me to no end why he would not transfer this and add on, when he earns them, two more devices. Right now my son wears the one religious medal and for the second one he earned, he wears a device pin in the center of the medal. But I've read to wear a second medal. That would be duplication of efforts. The device pins make more sense and less work for mommy to sew.
  2. Re: "The Scout badge is not a rank, it also is an award. The final rank in Cub Scouts is Webelos, and the first rank in Boy Scouts is Tenderfoot. " Bob Well said Bob. I don't know how many times I've confused award with badge. Out of all this I learned a lot. Thanks for all the excellent advice. I guess us big internet users just expect to sit behind our desks and find all the information at our fingertips. What I would like to know is if there is an official handbook with all of this in it? For us non-lawyer laymen types :-) *************************************************
  3. Looks like this time the sewing part will be easier than the research to do the job. After a long search, I found the best online explanation at: http://www.bsa.net/co/p467/Insignia.html Item 24: "Arrow of Light Badge. It's the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on a Boy Scout uniform." The best image I could find for the left pocket was at: http://www.pack846.org/Awards/leftpockettan.htm So, that keys me into the Service Stars. My son went from Tiger Cub to Webelos 5, with AOL. So, the new uniform will have the AOL on the lower left pocket, Yellow Service Star with t
  4. All, What is the official guideline on transferring awards from the Cub Scout uniform to the Boy Scout uniform? I've got the awards person purchasing me the following, rather than removing from my son's Webelos uniform: Arrow of Light, Recruiter, Religious Emblem, Tiger Cub. Can the above four earned awards legally be displayed/transferred onto the Boy Scout uniform? This is what I've been telling my scout parents the last 4 years, but now a district person has questioned this. Please quote from a good source or provide a URL to back this up, please. ****************
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