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Posts posted by mrssand

  1. We have pack meetings every month, even in February and during the summer. June and July pack meetings are usually held at the local park so the kids can go on a hike. In August, we have a pool party in lieu of the pack meeting. September is our popcorn kickoff. October is a carry-in to welcome new cub scouts. We make Thanksgiving Day cards in November to hand out at a nursing home. Santa comes to pass out pinewood derby cars in December. The rest of the pack meetings are open to special visitors, projects, playing games, learning, etc.

  2. We always have our fishing derby the Saturday before Father's Day. A person in the community lets us use his private lake, so no fishing license required here in Ohio (not needed for children under 16 anyway). We give out trophies for 1st fish caught, last fish caught, smallest fish, largest fish, and most caught. We have someone keep a list of names, order of catches, and size of fish. We also set up stations to work on their belt loop and pin before the derby starts. One parent runs each station. We have a casting station (use weighted bait w/ no hook & a hula hoop 30 feet out), baiting station, and a fish drawing and labeling station. Right before the derby begins, we gather all the boys together and explain Ohio's fishing regulations. One year we even had someone demonstrate how to clean a fish. All participating cub scouts should earn their belt loop but may need to complete a few additional activities to earn their pin.

  3. Most of our Tigers would be able to achieve their Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award but they are lacking the day camp requirement. Day camp in our area isn't even offered until after school ends, meaning most will not achieve this award until they become Wolves. Some of our boys attended the Klondike Derby in February, so I wondered if that would qualify as a day camp in order to achieve the Outdoor Activity Award.


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