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Posts posted by bamasm

  1. one evening i had a couple boys with me to attend city council meeting, I show up in uniform, the 2 boys that were with me were not, they are working on their citizenship merit badge, the meeting got pretty heated over some issue or other and after the meeting an older woman comes up to me and tells me what a crappy job im doing as sherrif of this county and i should have arrested several people and i should be ashamed to let something like that go on, finally after she unloaded on my for about 5 minutes, i said ma am if you dont like the job im doing then dont vote for me anymore, she said, I WONT! I had to bite my lip to keep from busting a gut. Now everytime any of the councilman, mayor, or policeman from our city sees me out they make it a point to tell me they wont vote me for sherrif anymore..

  2. Dan, you are right. There is nothing else I can say, if you know what the bible says, and you have studied on these things, Your decision is yours. The only reason that I implied that statement about getting to know who jesus is, was due to the fact that he is a stark contrast to AtG, and Lugh. While I can respect anyones opinion, I am not trying to imply that you don't have an understanding of who Jesus is and what his message is, I am simply trying to say that it is your choice to do whatever you wish with that information you have. I can't say you are right or wrong. It is wrong to try to tell anyone what their eternal fate will be. As far as religion goes anyway. Im done.

  3. I don't assume that you are not a chrisitan because you don't know. I am only saying that if you want to compare Jesus to Alexander the great, or Lugh the celtic sun god or whomever, at least find out what the guy was about. These are 3 very different people and things, what really gets me is how Jesus was a Lamb his time here, but at the very meniton of his name people get so defensive. The whole point was, find out who the real Jesus is, don't base it on what you hear, or see from TV, or some sunday morning church goer. No one wants to be told they are not as great a person as they think they are, heck I don't like it. I might be a great person when compared to you, or vice versa, but when I compare myself to Jesus I see how truley pathetic I am. Jesus told us not to look at each other for perfection, because we all fall short. Look at him. so whether or not you choose to follow christ is not my business, I have my own house to worry about.

  4. If your relationship with Jesus is the same as Alexander the great, that is entirely your choice. However to know who Alexander the Great is you probably read about him in a book, or saw a movie based on his life. Have you given Jesus the same courtesy?

  5. I can sympathize, I have a similar situation, I was not a scout as a child so I really like being a scouter, I am however a hunter and fisherman, and all around outdoorsman. I am also ex military so I get scouting in a big way. I have struggled through this past year with me, my wife and the cc. I can see some light at the end of the tunnel though. I have picked up a couple dedicated asm in the last few months. Life does get better with more help. After I took over the SM position we had about 6 active boys, one patrol, and 4 that were already 17-18 yrs old. 1 had just completed his eagle, the other 3 had not even attempted it, and the clock was ticking. 3 have made it, and one is working his project now before his 18th b day. one issue we have is we have a large pack 40-50 kids, troop now is 24 boys and growing. Our scout hut sits on 20 acres of land that our CO owns. Guess who does all the upkeep? DING DING DING survey says SCOUTMASTER!!!!! I have begged pleaded came up with a fair and balanced mowing plan so no one has to mow more than once during a season. No one ever shows, and the one time they did was because they had a cub activity that day. I wish folks cared more, but unfortunatly this is the world we live in. Me and a few of the scouts upkeep the place on a regular basis.Maybe the new ASM will help out. I think we just run til our bulb burns out and then a new bulb gets put in. just sayin.

  6. This is a very interesting post, alot of good points have been brought up, so I will toss my pennies in. I am a chrisitan scoutmaster, all the scouts that come in to the troop know this, not by my words so much as by the way I deal with them on a regular basis. I am duty bound by the great commission to let everyone know that Jesus was their sacrifice, so that they can recieve the gift his blood provided freely. I cannot make that decision for them, nor can I force them. All I can do is tell them that I am not worthy to be in gods presence, even now as a confessed christian. However I have jesus who intercedes for me, therefore I can communicate directly with god, I don't have to confess to a priest or pray to an inanimate object to accomplish this.You, me and everyone else sin and have sinful thoughts on a daily basis, so how can we deal with this? We can't because we are wrapped in it. Does this make you a bad parent? no! Does this mean you are doomed to hell, no, does this mean that you don't have to answer for all the sin in your life, absolutly not. We will be accountable for our lives.To sum it up the kid was out of line for telling you that, but we know Jesus was a real person who lived on this earth, we know he was crucified for basically speaking out against religion. So he is who he said he is, or he was a crazy insane person, that is upto you to decide. Lastly your relationship with Jesus is a personal relationship, I believe the bible is truth, and it guides me into understanding Gods will for my short life here on earth. my relationship with Jesus gives me peace about what happens eachday here, and what happens afterward. As far as scouting is concerned I will do my duty to god, my duty may be different than yours. And I live in a glass house with cracks everywhere, I definitly aint gonna be throwing stones!! sorry for the long post.

  7. Tin can breakfast is a favorite,

    one tin can paper removed

    pad of butter in first

    then slice of canadian bacon

    one egg

    one slice of cheese(singles are perfect).

    one can biscuit( i like the hungry jack)

    cover with tin foil over the open end of the can.

    Place in coals away from flame, or you will burn one side.

    20 minutes and it is perfect.

    Not great for backpacking as you will have to tote the can around.

  8. Just picked up a copy today, flipped through and was somewhat impressed, like the artwork, also liked the little addendum booklet that comes with. My son who is a Star liked it, he is teaching camp cooking this weekend and read the cooking section, his comments were this is a good getting started guide, but not so much for the older scouts, but overall he liked it. Had to tell him he has to finish in the book he started, according to the council. but he will get one anyway just to have. Doesn't matter what I think, only matters what the boys think about it.

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