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About mlaccs

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    Junior Member
  1. "Finally the extension device used creates issues. a) The device is seldom properly sanitized between uses. Often dirt and fire are used as sources the removal of debris from the extension device. b) The extension devices have and been used as improvised swords in a would be pirate battle. C) They could poke an eye out." ###### Very good observation. I have seen several cases where younger scouts have used tent poles as swords. in simulated (or real) battle. If the folk as Health and Safety were really concerned they would immediately act to ban tents that use these dangerous
  2. flashlight tag = lazertag Where there are no lazers There are not real guns There is ZERO safety risk when compared to the things that we do participate in. Actually the technology is the same used for bar codes in supermarkets so in fact we should ban our kids going into the grocery store since those places are full of danger. I understand that the ban is in place because of political reasons. Might even agree if there was a document of things that we ban because of political reasons but to bury this under health and safety clearly demonstrates that either the BSA thinks the
  3. The problem with this Joke is that it was way to easy for it to be true. While it makes zero sense to require this training many of the other things that have been forced from a National Level have made little sense and are clearly decisions being made without regards to the VOLUNTEERS that actually work in the program. Example - The ban on flashlight tag then the removal of the ban for 24-48 hours before putting it back in place. Example - The sudden requirement for Weather Hazzard training to get a Tour Permit (training is not bad, way change was implemented was terrible) Exa
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