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Posts posted by MidwestMom

  1. I've been lurking here since I don't feel qualified to comment on most topics, but since I was a Girl Scout dropout, I think I can comment on this one. I recall making it as far as Cadette and earning a few proficiency badges along the way. I think I dropped out because, compared to 4-H, Girl Scouts was both too hard in some ways (some requirements seemed difficult to meet and hard to find help with) and too easy in others (many requirements seemed trivial, and you only had to complete them once). Therefore I preferred to give my time and energy to 4-H. What I liked about 4-H was that one could take a particular project more than once, and each year the project became more challenging. My 4-H leader was also a home economics teacher, and very helpful with projects such as clothing or foods. The 4-H project manuals had just about all the information one needed to do the project; if Girl Scouts had Proficiency Badge manuals then, I did not know they existed.


    Now I have a son who is a Tenderfoot. This is my first real experience with Boy Scouts, and I think the program is excellent.

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