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Posts posted by Meteu

  1. Ok guys. save it.


    Unless you were actually there, you have no right to criticize what was undoubtedly the most significant scouting experience for everyone there. The food (which was all fine) was the least concern on the minds of everyone there. The article is sctually incorrect. Different food choices were provided for troops with different needs (vegeterian, vegan, no pork, no beef, etc.) I find it hard to believe that anyone there with me would have said "I was really disappointed we couldn't have what we liked to eat."


    What the article is discussing in a horrible light is the one-night Sunrise ceremony on Brownsea Island. 2 scouts from every country with an NSO were invited. I think everyone can put up with one dinner they don't like in the spirit of scouting.

  2. Oh, and also, I also know that standing in the way of some one who wished to see the ceremonies would not be appropriate, or reflect well on the order.


    The entire point of that section of my comment was to say that not just anyone can see the ceremonies the same way that anyone can walk in to see a G-rated movie.

  3. Ok, ok.

    (I have siad this on other occaisions also.)


    The Order of the Arrow is not a secrect society. However, it is a private society.


    We are not secret. We do not conceal our membership. In fact, we wear the most noticable item on a scout uniform, a bright white sash with a giant red arrow. We do not have hidden agendas, motives, or goals. We have a national website that clearly states our purpose, mission and policies.


    However, we are private. Except for people of legitimate interest (and by interest, I mean religious or safety concern) our ceremonies are only availible to those who are members. It must stay that way. One of the bedrocks of the order is that the ceremonies and the experiences that candidates go through are significant, meaningful, and moving to them. How can this be accomplished if they know what's coming.


    We also do not attemp to force our ceremonies or induction on anyone. In every ceremony, an oppertunity is allowed for those who do not want to continue to stop. Also, our ceremonies have been approved by every major religous group in the country.


    Bottom line:We are not trying to be secretive in any thing we do. We are very open about our mission and activites. However, our symbolism is very private, but not cult-like, and must remain so for the order to be effective. The Order of the Arrow is not a secret society, but a private society.


    In WWW,




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