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Posts posted by MeriwetherPD

  1. Well I don't think in 8 years that anyone has ever tried to tip me with cash. But if they did I wouldn't take it.

    I have accepted a can of pop for staying late and helping a scout learn some knots.

    My suggestion if your pack troop has a T shirt they make good gifts, many staffers will proudly ware a troop shirt for years to come.

    I have see troops that make their own patch for camp and give those to thir troop guide or commisioner.

    For out of council troops souncil patches are often given.

    The coolest thing was ever given was a 25 year old patch for the camp i worked at, the leader had worked at the cam pthe year the patch was issued and at the end of the week I had served as his commisioner he gave it to me. Much more meaningful then a $50 tip.


    The troop picture idea is also good.

  2. Well this will be my 9'th summer on staff, and I've seen this go very well and very .. not well.

    The first few years I was on staff the whole sub 18 females on staff issue wasn't handeled well, and there were problems.

    In resent years we have cracked down. This summer I'm program director and my line is "While you are at camp if you arn't 18yet then we are your parent/or gaurdian. that makes you all siblings, That means no relations ships you wouldn't have with your brother/sister."


    In addition the only sub 18 girls we have this year are related to current or past staff members, there is a certian fear that even a 16 year old staff (not hte brightest creature I was there) has of older brothers.


    I have seen some good staff members come up from starting at 16. There are issues, but really I think That I've heard of more off color comments coming from scoutmasters then other staffers.

  3. Well chances are you're already or have been by now but in case anyone else was wondering.

    NCS works a lot like JLT for camp staff directors.

    Most directors positions require camp school training, (camp dir, ranger, program dir, waterfront, shooting (not archery), climbing, cope, nature(there is another options)), commissioner (one)). There are also cources for chaplains, trek, and outdoor adventure (scoutcraft), and camp accredatation teacm leader.


    It's a great experience, You get to be on the scout side of things for a bit, being in a patrol, etc. One of the goals is to show what a week of camp is like for new staffers who may not have experience. There is often a wide range of experience represented, I've meet people who have never warn a scout uniform to those that have been waring one longer then my parents have been alive.


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