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Everything posted by AZOwl

  1. Dupe...sorry(This message has been edited by AZOwl)
  2. Thanks to all that replied so far... Lisabob: We are paying for things through fundraising events. Some of these have been more productive than others, but we are continuing to discuss low-risk, high-benefit fundraisers. We also don't want to burn the boys out because all we do is ask for money. Gunny: I tend to agree with the fundraising model. For me and my wife (she is still with the Pack), and my two sons to register (including Boys Life for the boys) its close to $100, without any fees. Add fees on top of that, and it gets even more expensive. Bacchus: Traditional=Community
  3. That is the question for today. First some background. My troop (I am CC) is fairly new (chartered within the past three years, really active for just over one). We are in a semi-rural area in Northern AZ where the average income is, at best, lower-middle, and we are the only real traditional troop in the immediate area. LDS is the predominate religion here, so our recruiting pool is smaller than in other areas. We have tried/are trying various means of fundraising to support the troop with varying degrees of success. The committee is considering imposing a yearly registration fee to try
  4. Confessions of a Woodbadge Scribe I spent hours before accepting the position of Scribe on a Woodbadge staff, looking for information on what a Scribe on a Woodbadge staff was responsible for, to no avail. So I wanted to share my experience with fellow Scouters so that the next Woodbadge Scribe can go running, screaming, into the night before accepting. No, not really, because this position is truly more critical than you might think. Essential job duties for a Woodbadge Scribe: 1.You are the Great Communicator. Its your job to facilitate communication between the Course Directo
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