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Everything posted by mabloodhound

  1. I've been in touch with the CSE about this and not really encouraging news. I think more pressure/support needs to come to bear before the council takes positive action, otherwise a sale is imminent. Chesterfield is different and I have been in touch with GOAL who use the camp every summer for Junior Conservation camp. They are working hard to preserve camping at Chesterfield for their group, but this still doesn't open it to scouts. Hope many others in W.Mass. can get on board to save these camps.
  2. What disconcerting news. I just happened upon this news while searching for places to sell my Scout patch collection, many of which include HA Moses patches. I spent many years at HA Moses SR as a Scout, a Scoutmaster with my troop, and a District leader. I completed my Woodbadge at HAMSR. Because I lived over the hill on Birch Hill Rd. I was very familiar with the camp and its history. Furthermore, Boy Scouts and this camp were a large factor in my development and career. I spent 33 years in law enforcement and the ideals from Scouting were always present with me. The loss of th
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