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Everything posted by lovings

  1. I like the velcro idea. I understand what you all are saying about him learning how to sew. I have shown him how to sew on my machine (he worked on a school project using it). I haven't shown him much with hand sewing. I really wish sewing the patches had been part of something he'd learned as a cub. I will admit, though, that sewing these patches by hand isn't something I'd look forward to because of that plastic backing (I'm with you, SSScout). If we don't go the velcro route, I'll try to have him (and me) do the loop around the edges. It's frustrating to me that kids don't have anypl
  2. Thanks for the input. Sorry if it was too simple of a question. I looked around and couldn't find anything specific about those holders.
  3. Hi - I'm in the process of sewing on my son's "Scout" badge to a new shirt. Due to an injury, he's going to quickly progress through Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and 1st Class once the doctor releases him and he's able to complete the physical requirements he has been barred from. I hesitate to sew on a badge that I will need to quickly replace. Is it OK to use the plastic emblem holders that are sold at the scout shop for rank badges on the left pocket? Thanks for your input!
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