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Posts posted by Kymsue

  1. Don't worry John.

    I will be trained. I'm beating Council with a "soft" stick and looking at other areas for training.

    I won't give up and when I'm trained look for my "two cents" on the boards.

    Don't worry.... I'm involved for the kids and the looks on their faces at Camporee was worth all this drama.

    I promise you'll be proud of me.

  2. Who needs training?

    I've learned more on this post then my Council has offered.

    I've learned that our Council lost the Training Chair, so no training.

    I would have to say both my Pack and Troop don't have the best relationship with their Charter.

    The Troop at least participates in clean up days, flag ceremonies, Scout Sunday, etc. But the church has incredibly low patronage and I wouldn't be suprised if they were forced to close their doors. I think more of their revenue comes from renting out the church... which is probably why we have problems getting meeting times.

    The Pack's charter is a local Elks Lodge. We go there for Blue and Gold, but that's it. We did a pancake breakfast once and that was a big success. My husband CM signed up to be a member at the Blue and Gold, but hasn't heard back yet. We're going over for dinner on Friday, so we'll follow up.

    But thanks again everyone I'll be a better CC with the Troop.

    We have a strong Den and I'm really proud of the Weblos.

  3. Wow that's a lot of good information. Thanks to everyone.


    First, I have communicated to the CC on 4 occassions stating that "this isn't working" I'm being pulled away from the Den. With Camporee having just passed it was stressful being the contact person at the Den meeting (all the dens meet in one location so the adults look for answers at the meeting) and getting prepared for Camporee, being that none of the adults including CM had participated in the event.


    Second, the CC has assured me repeatedly that he will "do his job". I'm slowly pulling back and watching the chips fall. It's just frustrating to see the Pack's organization fall by the way side. But the advice from all seems to be let the CC do his job, step back.... so I'm stepping. I emailed him all the information I have pending from Council and I'm thinking positive that he's going to get on top of things.


    Third, I couldn't agree more about my husband and I having both top positions. My plate is full. I'm not a marter, nor do I like to run around like a chicken with my head cut off. Frankly, I think there are too many volunteers in Scouting that take on way too many roles from Council to Troop, so many that they have a poor performance across the board because they're spread too thin. That's exactly why I have never taken a Committee Position. My husband only took it when no one else would. He's on call 24/7 so he can get a call at anytime. So I knew I'd have to be his eyes and ears when he was called away. I was prepared for that and only expected to communicate what he missed and expect him to handle things.


    Fourth, My Den Weblos I and II has myself and two very active dads, that co-lead. Our Den runs very smooth. We have a great Den Chief. And to TOOOOT our horns we won 2nd overall at Camporee on our first time out. BUT I agree I need to forcus on advancement and Arrow of Light for the 4 Weblos II we inherited when their leader left. These boys want their Arrow and we're going to help them work hard to get it. The Weblos are my focus. The Den Leaders are really on top of their programs and I don't worry about them.


    Fifth, training? What training? Our Council doesn't have any classes until September. I've emailed, I've begged, and they all acknowledge the problem but haven't offered a solution. I guess I'm heading to Los Angeles to see what they have to offer (that's a shame).


    Sixth, Roundtable. Our meetings are all in one Pack and Troop. I feel like they're a waste of time. Come pick up flyers and hear about FOS. I am going to email my UC with the Pack and see if I'm missing something and get a better understanding on how to utilized the meeting better.


    SOOOOO after all discussion. I'm pulling back. I'm forever positive and I'll keep praying I can serve with a gracious heart. I will say I'm very disappointed in our Council and their lack of direction and contact with the units. When an entire teams turns over for a pack that's been around 50 years, and the two other Packs in our area folded in the last year, you would think that someone at sometime would make contact and reach out to make sure the transition was going smoothly.


    Have I vented enough? Thanks for all the input and advice.

  4. The problem is that I'm going the CC job, but here's our last email to give you an idea of what I'm up against.


    I sent the CC and CM (Bill) this email:

    We had 5 new CubScouts show up last night.

    I didn't know anyone was coming...

    They had questions I couldn't answer.

    Do they need to fill out the adult application?

    What's the point of doing that?

    Is there an additional cost to do that?

    I had one person who didn't get the book and another one that got the wrong book.

    How do we get that fixed?

    What do we do with the Kinders that will be Tigers next year?

    They let them sign up.... and said it was okay???

    Should they meet with the current Tigers?

    Do we have the "new scout" orientation information put together that we talked about?


    This was the CC's Response to my email:

    Instead of three part question and answer have them call me. I address their needs and do my job as the committee chair. I understnd you trying to help, But just like we talked about on Saturday I need to step up and do my job. I do not mind you answer what question you have answers to. All I am asking is to be able to do the job of committee chair. Let them know of my working hours 3:00pm to 11:30pm, I will try to call them between those hours if not call me after 9am.

    If you have any other question call me I am here.


    This was my response to his email:

    I don't have contact information, maybe Bill does. I believe the Den Leaders got information, so you'll have to call them and see. My Den wasn't suppose to have a meeting on Monday I was there just to unlock doors, but ended up spending an hour trying to answer questions and not let these people think I didn't know what was going on. I passed out and emailed the Pack Roster several times. You can get the Den Leaders numbers. You can let them know your availability. I don't have the opportunity at work to use the phone all the time, so during the day email is the best way for me to communicate.


    I do think things have improved because I'm at the meetings and I'm organized. I have the parents right there to ask for help and they ususally see I have a lot going on and offer to help. Now it seems like I am organizing everything, but now he wants everything to go through him... one more step for me.


    I had the mindset that with him as CC at least he'd be doing somethings and that's one less thing I'd have to delegate or take care off, but now it's just more work for myself because I can't get ahold of him to see what he has done and I end up doing it myself anyway.


  5. Well I can delegate and coordinate at the Den meetings with different people, but I'm there to ask questions.

    I'm already at Roundtable for the Troop, so two birds with one stone is okay.

    The parents see me at the meetings I update them all the time and solicate help.

    At the Troop level, do I have to attend the boys meetings? No, but I am much better at it when I do.


  6. I'm a Committee Chair for my older son's Troop.

    I am registered as "Den Leader" for the Pack.

    My hubby took over CubMaster because no one else stood up.

    With his schedule I assumed I'd be his eyes and ears when he can't be there.

    I didn't expect to also be the CC's eyes and ears.

    The CC doesn't attend Roundtable, Den, or Pack meetings.

    For parents who don't attend Committee meetings they don't even know who he is.

    We have a Treasurer - I just got a Mom to volunteer for that

    We have a Secretary - but she never shows up

    We have a Training Coordinator - but our council doesn't have any training available

    That's it....

    So I coordinated Scoutorama sales at the stores, the Cake Bake Pack meeting, the Space Derby, calendar, roster...


  7. Weblos.... got it.

    I learn everyday.

    I pray daily that I can volunteer with a gracious heart and be a good model for the boys.

    I'm also very aware that if a unit is unorganized and all over the place the parents get frustrated and leave.

    Try this on for size...

    We just returned from Camporee... none of the 4 leaders had participated before...

    The Troop never contacted us offered help, training, or even visisted our campsite.

    I'm not sure what's going on, frankly I don't have the energy any more.

    But the next step would be to join another unit for one year... I don't like that idea.

  8. Boy you've touched on all the areas of frustration.

    New group took over in January.

    There was training available on the weekend my husband and I were going skiing.

    Since then there has been no "new leader", BALOO, or specific leader training.

    Sept/Oct are the next dates on calendar.

    A parent of a "Den Chief" asked if we had a "Unit Commissioner".

    I said I don't know I'll ask.

    We did, but I've never seen that person at any of our meetings.

    Now this Dad tells me he was appointed "Unit Commissioner" Council never told the CC or CubMaster.

    I am YPT, CC fasttrack, Committee Fasttrack trained.

    I am the Committee Chair for my son's Troop also, which is a different unit.

    As for Charter Organization we only see them at Blue and Gold.

    Otherwise I don't think there's much contact. We don't meet at their facility.

    Our Weblo Den was the only group to set up and take positions, but we are out next year.

    So there isn't anyone in charge of the different events, calendar, roster, etc.

    The biggest problem the parents had before, myself included, was lack of communication and direction. We found out about events at the last minute, therefore poor participation.

    I feel like I've really worked hard to get this problem solved and so many parents have praise the change, but now I'm being told "let me do my job as Committee Chair"....

    So do I pull out and let the chips fall, because it's the boys and parents that will suffer.

  9. Re: Assistant CubMaster

    Our Weblo Den Leader is listed as Assistant PackMaster and there is a "new" Eagle that's also listed on paper.

    We never see the Eagle and the Weblo leader is really busy with Weblos especially since we inherited 4 Weblos II when the leader left at Blue and Gold.

  10. So who is supposed to get the information about Scoutorama books to everyone?

    Who is at the Den Meetings to sign up new people and collect money?

    Who is supposed to handle all the parent questions?

    Is "Call so and so" really the best way to do thing?


    The problem with the Pack before was communication and organization and we finally seem like we've pulled it together.

    We actually had a Scout come back and his parents praise us for the difference.

    Do I throw up my hands and tell the parents "call him" between 11am and 3pm?

  11. I'm a Dean Leader and Committee Chair.

    I typically wear jeans with my beige uniform shirt.

    I did dart the front of my shirt for a more flattering look.

    No one at Council has said anything.

    I actually got the idea from my son's Den Leader.

  12. I feel like the story is too long to explain, but I'll try in a nutshell.

    New group took over in January. Person who stepped up for Chair works nights so can't attend den or pack meetings. We only see them at the Committee meetings.

    I've been the go to person at the meetings and the one the parents searchout for answers. Problem I'm not the one anyone else communicates with on a council level. I'm taking care of books sales, collection, communication to everyone events, new registration... My approach was he can be on paper because at least he's doing some things I then won't have too, but I can never reach him, he doesn't answer email, doesn't attend Roundtable...... I'm doing it anyway and if I take over then at least I don't have to keep trying to track him down and clear things through him...... I am sooooooooooooo frustrated.


    The parents and leaders know me and would back me up in a heart beat, but I really don't want to force him out. FYI: my hubby is the CubMaster. He took over but let everyone know that because he's emergency response his on call schedule means he's hit or miss at the meetings. So they're both no shows and I'm the one holding the bag........... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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