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Posts posted by ksascout

  1. I would like to thank everyone who responded. I am in the process of getting the MB counselor reregistered. This has not yet been run by the scout master and advancement person but I will bring your replies with me. Thanks again. My son is in the process of working on his eagle project and this is the only stumbling block in the way. The MB work has been completed and I hate to see him penalized for a timing issue.

  2. My son had completed all of the Family Life Merit Badge in 2005 except for returning a letter to the MB counselor from us stating that he had a family discussion with us, his parents, regarding drugs and sex. He had completed this family discussion but never got around to going back to the counselor with the letter. He went back to this original merit badge counselor with the needed letter from us three years after the merit badge had been started. The counselor recently signed the blue card which was then submitted to the scout master. The scout master had accepted it but this card was rejected by the advancement committer member because the counselor in question is no longer a current registered counselor although she had been at the time the work was completed. Can this counselor sign the blue card or does a currently registered counselor have to sign off the one requirement?

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