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Posts posted by Kevieemeal

  1. I had a conversation on scout spirt in my woodbadge course this summer. One of the instructors was informed by national that a scout has scout spirit even if the scoutmasater thinks he dosnt. I know this is hard to swallow, but honestly who are we to judge someone elses spirit. I suggest that the leader talk to the scout about what each of you think scout spirit is and then ask him if he feels he has lived up to it.

  2. Ok, I may not be a paper/13 year old eagle, but i do believe that no scoutmaster can hold a scout back from earning what is rightfully his. I am 21, a eagle scout out of troop 100 in sioux city iowa, and while i am still a greenhorn in the ways of how the troop operates on the adult side, i do know that if the boy earns his eagle at the age of 13 then the troop is not challengeing him enough. I do agree with some of what mr. mike long has said (see above posting), i also disagree with some of it. For example i praise him on his 1st point, i will be bringing that home for my troop to look at as a possible solution to patch wearing leaders, but i do disagree with his 2nd statement: scouting is about bonding. If a boys parent wishes to be involved in what is son is doing then by all means let him sign off rank req. or MB's, as long as there is another scout travling along with his own son. As for his 3rd statement: I take personal offense too. The physical part of my eagle project was carried out in one day. This is not what measures the boys project, the planing, leading, communicating, organizing and controling the group, along with all the other 11 skills of leadership that are taught at JLT's and Woodbadge classes. Even if he fails to properly carry one of these out he still learns, if he is able to figure it out, possibly with a little help from a scoutmaster. I do praise Mr. mike long in his stance on not allowing age limits on ranks, and i completely agree with his statement on age dosent mean maturity.

    My answer, from a fresh out of the ranks scout, keep them busy with leadership, and special opportunites just for them, not just high adventures, let them know often that the troop is grateful for their help and commitment.

    Your friend in scouting

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