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Posts posted by jrakes

  1. Can someone clarify what is meant by a non-profit organization and the acceptance of an Eagle Project? It is the opinion of many Scout leaders that all organizations benefiting from an Eagle Project are NOT non-profit organizations. This would include churches, schools, and any and all government organization, whether it be city, county, state, etc. I have also included a a link to a book I recently published dealing with the process of completing an Eagle Project. Thank you.








  2. I really don't want this topic to apear morbid; however, I can't find anything on it. My concern is a Boy Scout Funeral Ceremony. My plans upon my death involve my cremation and a Scout Ceremony soon after. As I mentioned above, I can find nothing on the web. Your help will be appreciated.



  3. Thanks. We have troop elections anually. except that I, the SM, select the SPL. He must, however, complete our Council's JLT program within 3 months, or he loses that position. Upon choosing his ASPL (who must also attend JLT), the SPL then holds the elections for PL's, with the same requirement. But the APL's are not required to attend JLT, but are encouraged to do so.

    As a result I have my new SPL and ASPL going to JLT training this June.The new PL's have already been trained and are doing well. Our boy run program is exactly that, even though some of our adult advisors don't always appreciate, understand, or agree with the PLC's decisions. I do know that the JLT program helps my boys tremendously. When they return from this program, they are inspired and READY!! Anyway, we do allow the boys to mess up, but we are there when they need us. Thanks.

  4. Again, thanks for your comments. You are probably right about my standards being too high for today's youth as they are involved in many other activities. As a youth in scouting involvement was instilled in me by my Scoutmaster Jerry Stine. He was tough but compassionate. He made sure that we lived up to the Scout motto, for example. He would tell us young boys that doing one's best, whether it be in scouting or whatever, meant contributing more than one hour per week. Evidently, this philosopy has stuck with me and has been instilled into our program. Again, scouting is not for all boys as its demands are high. Making Eagle is no easy accomplishment, but it can be reached.


    In regards to the letters I mailed last Friday to a few inactive scouts, I think they got the message. All but one scout showed up for last night's meeting. I will contact him again, however. Thanks.



  5. Again, I thank each of you for your advise on this matter; however, the one item that continues to stick with me involves the issue of being a part of an organization. My contention is Boy Scouting is one of many options for our youth, and as such, a choice must be made. Personally, as SM I want young men who perceive scouting as an integral part of their lives. It is not important that I reach each and every youth, as this can't be done anyway. The flexibility issue of scouting has become a real issue for me as me. Why is it that some expect scouting to bend over backwards to other activities, whereas most other activities don't give options for those in scouting? We all know what a typical coach would have to say to a youth who missed . let's say, a soccer game for a scouting event. Lap time,bench time, or dismissal, right? I know that this next comment will alienate some, but I have reached a point where I only want those in my troop who can give 110%, whether they are in leadership positions or not. The per centage of those who remain in scouting and make Eagle used to be 2%. Many of those in this percentage probably were inactive scouts and did not deserve the advancement because they chose to be distantly involved. I have never sought to be a SM who tries to surpass other SM's in numbers of Eagles, and I never will. As the Eagle Advancement Committee Chairman for my District, I have boarded young men whom I truly don't believe have lived up to all the tenants of becoming an Eagle Scout. However, once a scout reaches this level, it is my contention that the scoutmaster has obviously made his decision regarging his/her candidate passing the board. I will not allow a scout to get to this level until all requirements have been made, in particular his active participation with the troop, regardless of his other (more) important activities. Finally, granting a scout a leave of absence from the troop and its activities because of sports, etc. is ludicrous. What message would this be sending the boy and his family? Life's lessons, indeed, are a part of growing up. They must choose.

  6. Thanks, each of of you for your timely responses. However, since then I have received e-mailings from three of my scouts about whom this concerns. Each wishes to stay with the troop, and each understands the troop's dilemna. As to my allowing scouts to remain uninvolved with the troop because of football, basketball, soccer, tennis, track, 4-H, church choir, jobs on troop meeting nights and during weekends, etc. , I have told them that they will have to choose because they can't be involved in everything well as witnessed by their absence from this troop. Membership in any organization requires participation. Besides, what lesson would I or any one else be teaching if I accepted this situation? Our patrol meetings are very well organized and do work exceptionally well, but the leadership can't depend on those who don't show up. Regardless of the times when everyone is so very busy trying to do everything, as Scoutmaster I have to insist on my boys being at meetings and events and keeping the patrol method alive. In closing, I am not a drive-by SM, nor are my boys allowed to be drive-by Scouts.



  7. As a Scoutmaster, I am experiencing a problem with Scouts actively participapeing in Troop meetings and troop campouts. This is due to so many other activities that they are involved with through school, etc. A common problem, I know. However, at what point does a Scoutmaster and its PLC make a decision as to drop those who aren't involved with the troop's activities but who are toatally immersed with the other, non'scout ones? This situation is adversely affecting this Troop and its Patrol functions. I recently sent mailings to those and gave them ultimatums to begin taking active parts in the troop/patrols or be dropped from the roster. Your comments will be appreciated.




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