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Posts posted by jokehh

  1. It is amazing how many different answers on this subject I have heard over the last month. Our troop had a policy that defined active as attending 70% of the meetings and 50% of the campouts. Although this seemed a bit high to me the PLC wanted it to be part of our policy. Last month a boy was denied advancement and his parents were upset at the requirement. They took the matter to the Council office and we were forced to remove the definition of active from our policy. This is the direct quote from our Council Program Director


    A Troop cannot tie attendance to advancement. We had this issue with another Troop full of lawyers and it went all the way to the National Council. What they are doing by requiring a certain percentage of attendance and telling a Scout he cannot advance due to his not meeting that attendance requirement is absolutely against National policy. I have had many discussions with National about this.


    I do not want to get into Troop politics either, but a Troop cannot make up by-laws or policy that violates National policy. In the case of the other Troop, their attitude was "we're going to do it anyway". National Council said "you can do what you want, but you can't call yourself a Boy Scout Troop any more" "Your charter will be revoked". The Troop backed down and finally followed the policy.


    I understand what the Troop is trying to do here, but they can't tie attendance to advancement.


    We also received this from our District Executive


    National currently states that putting any number on being "active" is against their policy. I have asked to get clarification from national on what "active" then means if a troop cannot define it. At this point it is an undefined term and troops are not permitted to define it.


    In our discussions on this matter we were told active can only be related to the payment of dues.


    I think OGE provided the best direction in his post and I am going to use his advice as a guide for our PLC to make new policy.


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