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Posts posted by JoeLI

  1. Thanks for the information.


    To give you more details - these scouts are spread out among patrols. Patrol Leaders get together in the beginning of the year and they have a 'draft' of the scouts with the goal being some older scouts in with newer ones. The one exception is our first year scouts - we keep them together to ease the transition from mommy.


    Most of our issues come up when its time to leave. things need to be packed up, cleaned and made ready to depart. This selected group will find all sorts of ways to not do work. This leads to delays in getting under way for everyone.

  2. Hello All,

    I wanted to seek the advise of you with a problem we are experiencing in our troop. We have about 40 boys from 11 to 17 and like every group they are comprised of several types. We are an active troop and do many camping trips. Each patrol is given responsibility to cook their meals and division of labor. Generally works but we have a group of kids that just do not do anything - when its time to pack up, they stand there. When they are told to do something - if they do it at all its half-hearted at best. Many times they flat out refuse to do it. This puts more burdens on the boys that do work, makes them less likely to work and in general is a problem that can not be allowed to continue.


    How can we deal with these types of kids?

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