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  1. I want to thank everyone for the advice. I am starting to agree with most that he is just to old to suggest a troop. The good news is I have a 6 year old that brought home a Tiger Cub flyer! thanks again.
  2. I looked into venturing, closest one is two hours away. I think I will look for a active Troop and speak to the SM. What will be the hardest part for someone 16 1/2 joining a troop?
  3. Hello everyone, I have a step son who is 16 1/2 years old and going into the 10th grade. He is a good kid but, I feel he needs to get into something with both feet. I loved scouting when I was a cub and I am willing to volunteer if he would go for it. I was wondering if he was a little too old to start. Thanks for your help. JBOGGS
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