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  1. Thank you all so much. At roundtable tonight if Cubmaster is there, I will be sure to tell him what y'all said-he should step in for now, we should all get together and get em rolling and what not. I may even copy and paste and quoate y'all if you don't mind I agree 14 boys would be LOONY and I never thought about them getting comfy with us and never moving back to there own den. A bit of naivet on my part. Our den offers to help all the time. Our Cubmaster either wants all the glory and doesn't take our help or he simply doesn't "get it". Maybe I should print off duties of a Cubmaster for him? Or would that be too much? Along with sometimes being a bit naive, my Husband says I'm a bit tactless too. But I mean well Anyways-thanks again friends...I'll let ya know how it goes.
  2. How many boys are in your den (you are the leader of one of the Wolf dens, correct?)? 6 How many boys are in the leaderless Wolf den? 8 Do you have an assistant Wolf den leader for your den? Yes Do you know what happened to the leaders of the other den? Did they change Packs, to much den adult drama, drama with CM/CC of the Pack, quit Scouting completely, etc? I don't know exactly, personal issues. I was told she "stepped down" But it appears she has quit scouting complelely. Do you know any parents in the other den, or your den, who would be willing to take on the job of Wolf den leader? I don't really know any of the other parents period. Just in passing. But everyone in our den is willing to help. That's why I asked if it was ok to jump in and connect. The Cubmaster (or the lump as I call him...but only in my mind ) is the one who said "so and so stepped down. the parents are stepping up." He himself has a cub in that den. Yeah nuts I know. I am still waiting on an email I sent him last week sooooooooo.... I'll just let these parents know to come to our next meeting? I just don't think it's far to wait on the Cubmaster's response (if there would even be one) 10 days before our pinewood derby, when I can just bring them in our fold at least for now. Yes?
  3. Ok great. I agree with ya, why can't he be merged in and would be glad to do so, just wanted to make sure I could, without anyone saying "hey you're taking from our den" If people even say that I don't know. That's why I asked. Your response made it seem like that was a fine thing to do. I wish we had some mass emailing happening. The leaders don't always get emails when they should so it's safe to say parents don't get any either. I never have, as a leader or parent. But since you put it out there so plainly(sometimes that's all it takes)maybe this is something I could volunteer to do? Thnx for the guidance moosetracker.
  4. Hi y'all...not sure if this post should be here or in cub scouts section, so if I'm in the wrong place I apologize. We have 2 wolf dens. One den is now leader-less. We were told parents are stepping up for now. However, I have gotten emails from a few parents saying they are out of the loop, don't know what's happening with den meetings, and so on. So, my question is, do I say "well here's our info, you can come to our meetings" or do I say something else like "there is a leader meetng within the week, I'm sure we'll figure it out then." I don't want to step on any toes but also don't want to lose these families. Our derby is just a couple weekends away, and I just feel so bad for these families that want to participate but now feel out of the loop. Thanks so much in advance.
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