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Posts posted by ironband

  1. Thanks for the discussion. But still, it can't be that we complained about the high cost, because the cost is still right where it was. I guess you could make the argument that prices would have gone up if the manufacturing hadn't moved, though. I have to believe that the profit margin has gone up. Perhaps this is one way to make up the shortfall of reduced membership in BSA?


    I guess my big problem with it is the lack of info. It's like this was done in stealth mode - like someone did it and just hoped no one would care enough to say anything. No explanation from BSA at all. I went through the press releases, the reports on the scouting.org web site, and nothing. If it had to be done because there was insufficient manufacturing capacity, or because they were losing money on the uniforms, or some other reason, then there is no shame in what was done...so why not just say so?



  2. Hi all,


    I'm new to the forum, so if this has been covered, I apologize.


    I did do a few searches, and came up with very little. I've been serving as a den leader in my son's Cub Scout Pack for the last four and a half years, and my son just earned his Arrow of Light and crossed over into Boy Scouts. The program has been wonderful for both of us, and we're really looking forward to the new adventure.


    We decided to buy him a completely new uniform as a gift for earning his Arrow of Light, but I was taken aback when I went to get a new uniform shirt and saw a "Made in China" tag staring back at me. We bought it anyway, despite my disappointment. At least the shorts and socks were still made here in the USA. Of course, when we got home, I looked at his two-year old tan shirt (a bit pilled from use and washing) and noted that it was made in the USA. I checked my five-year old uniform shirt (not quite as pilled because I don't seem to get as dirty as the boys) and it, too, was made in the USA.


    So does anyone know exactly when this change occurred? I'm assuming sometime in the last two years. I'm sure economic factors came into play here, and good on the BSA for being thrifty. But what about being loyal and duty to our country? I noticed that despite the manufacturing location change, the price of the new shirt was not any lower, so any savings were clearly not passed on to us.


    I don't mind paying a premium for official scout uniform items, and I think that supporting the BSA is important. But something about this is just sticking in my craw, and the complete lack of any explanation anywhere is bothering me quite a bit.


    This is probably a result of my new 10 year old Boy Scout spying the tag and saying "Made in China? What's up with that?"


    So, in his words..."What's up with that?"



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